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Shipley Glen Comp Practice. 16/2/2013 Saturday.


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So as the comp season is on its way I thought i'd head down to Shipley and do a little comp practice.

I could make a few flags and get the various colour tapes and mark out a few sections.
If there's enough interest we could compete against each other and the winner gets something silly like a mars bar.
(not that mars bars are silly, I love a good mars bar ;)

Would anyone be up for this?

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Probably not a good time at the moment; saw tyke trial posted this on their fb page earlier: 'Sorry to all members that the paperwork hasn't gone out yet for the first round of the Club series. Regrettably, there has been complaints to the Council about all the bikes on Shipley Glen and that it should be stopped. I understand that there is a by-law stating that cycles should not be ridden on the Glen, but TykeTrial HAD a special dispensation to run events up there a few times a year. Unfortunately it's all the practising every weekend that's brought on the complaints. We are currently waiting for a final decision as to whether we will be allowed to run events on the Glen in the future before we can confirm any of the plans for the year. Watch this space for more info.'

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Probably not a good time at the moment; saw tyke trial posted this on their fb page earlier: 'Sorry to all members that the paperwork hasn't gone out yet for the first round of the Club series. Regrettably, there has been complaints to the Council about all the bikes on Shipley Glen and that it should be stopped. I understand that there is a by-law stating that cycles should not be ridden on the Glen, but TykeTrial HAD a special dispensation to run events up there a few times a year. Unfortunately it's all the practising every weekend that's brought on the complaints. We are currently waiting for a final decision as to whether we will be allowed to run events on the Glen in the future before we can confirm any of the plans for the year. Watch this space for more info.'

That sucks so bad!

Hate councils that think stopping youths ride their bikes is a good thing.

Instead of stopping yobs vandalising everything and just being an utter pain to society.

Everyone should get fat turn up and a council meeting and tell them it happened cause they stopped us keeping fit :P

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Shame really, what's even more stupid is bikes will always be practicing at the glen even if there weren't comps held there.

Surely the best fix would be to get down to tbd council and get them to agree bikes on the glen for say one or two Sundays in a month

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That's truly ridiculous!
Can't please some people. They complain about "youths" around my age loitering, drinking and taking drugs in view of the public eye, yet when we do something active, productive and something many enjoy spectating they have a good old moan about that.

Shame really, what's even more stupid is bikes will always be practicing at the glen even if there weren't comps held there.

Surely the best fix would be to get down to tbd council and get them to agree bikes on the glen for say one or two Sundays in a month

I for one wont hold back on my time riding there if we're told we can't. Its one of my most local spots that I thoroughly enjoy riding, I'm considerate to the passing public and try my best to make sure I don't cause a problem. We don't litter, we're generally all very considerate, and its not like we leave the place in a state is it? I'd have said the climbers were more of an obstruction to passers by, not that I'm against that.

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Hate councils that think stopping youths ride their bikes is a good thing.

Instead of stopping yobs vandalising everything and just being an utter pain to society.

The horrible thing is councils associate these two together, because there's a few chavs that ride bikes (generally a BMX or Halfords of some sort) and tend to cause trouble when out on them, whenever councils see someone on a bike that's not a middle aged man/women they assume we're up to no good..

I've once been in the situation where I'v had a group of people watching me, a community support officer then tells me I'm damaging kirklees property..

The group of people were smokers, they were ruining the bin, and littering when throwing the buts on the floor... They got a friendly smile...

It makes me sick..

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I agree with all the comments above... and was shocked to read about their already being limitations to riding at Shipley Glenn (I had no idea) - when I have been there I've never heard a bad word from people passing by. Like Sam said - most are considerate to others, example if I see someone near by I'll wait until they have passed, especially dog walkers as I know the sound of the brakes probably drives the dogs mad. But it's the fact that people take time out of their lives to be so negative and submit a complaint, for me that time could be spent better, perhaps enjoying something! People are probably tiring of me saying it, but during the olympics when the comment: "Just shows Britain really is a cycling nation" made me laugh, is it bolloc*s!
I can imagine people complain, but what, what points do they use to support the complaints in this case?.
sorry, bit of a rant. and bit unrelated to the topic - but wanted to remark!

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Unfortunately it is only a few people who have complained. It is the council's job to listen to the complaints and take action as appropriate - it's not their fault!

I'm sure that you all act appropriately and respectfully to members of the public but there will always be some who complain. Is it even trials bikes they're complaining about? We don't know.

The council will get back to us within the next week or so to let us know their decision, but this first round on 24th February MAY have to be postponed while further discussions take place.

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It all depends on who is in charge at the council. We have seen a huge shift in attitude here in East Lothian regarding sport and help the council is giving, Comps on their land, support for a BMX/skate park with hopefully a large fixed trials park next to it. They also gave temporary permission and supplied windfall trees and big plastic baskets for the guys to ride on. The local council warden and police have been fully behind it, as they know that by doing this they get them off the street and are seen by the voters to be activly doing something useful to help the "youths". BUT it only takes one " my life is miserable so I fully intend to stop anybody else having fun" arsehole to complain and if the law or the easy way out council will act. Hopefully the local council will inform them selfs of what trials and generally the great attitude of trials riders is and you keep the land to practice and compete on. we have been down a few times and have had a great comp day on a great bit of land. 99.9% of the public that day stopped and enjoyed theshow including that big pack of scouts out for the day. Please contact the council with a positive attitude to the need to practice and not in the town centres and good press they can generate from having local youths developing into world level riders. Thats what we did up here including positive reports to the local press stating how they were helping promote sport and the next generation of trials stars. I was angry with the lack of help I got at the start but have realised its a game and they hate bad press and a new positive leader has made adifference.I may even vote for him for the first time ever!!!! or maybe not. It takes work but GOOD luck . Give me a address and I will send them something from the Scottish team. I will miss out the bit about the 0.1% person that we increasingly have to live with.

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I think I may know why complaints have been made... I've just seen images on Facebook of a mate of mine and his mates making alterations to a "trail" they ride on the Glen side, which they frequent on their mtb's and DH rigs.

Shame, they have the quarry for that.

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Is this serious ? I'd presume everyone that goes is pleasant to the locals, we're out of the way and not harming any body or damaging anything or not to a great extent maybe some scratches here and there and the comps bring lots of people to the area. I don't see an issue unless somebody has been rude or unpleasant to locals and if thats the case then it would have to be sorted obviously be I can't really see that being the case from when i've been.


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There is a precedent for this kind of thing

I am biased as on the odd occasion I could have been of these 'off piste hoodlems' (read the link, that's a direct quote) when quite legitimately competing on the mototrial.

It's not like I was ragging around on a unsafe pit bike with no brakes etc.

This is only an example, but the ramblers tried this sh*t up round here.

They lost. HAAAAAAAA!!

I sure these hardcore of pissy sock and sandal wearing ramblers give everyone in their peer group a bad rep too.

But this kind of spinelessly taking other peoples pleasure away by being an arsehole, really rather annoys me. In fact it leaves me in utter distain.

EDIT: The simple matter is that it is EVERYONE'S countryside, and we should be able to enjoy it, provided it is within core values, as we wish.

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We've just received confirmation that Shipley Glen has been approved for the events. Please don't forget, when you're riding up there to pay attention to walkers and be courteous. We don't want to lose this venue!

EDIT: A further email asks us to try to persuade riders NOT to go to Shipley Glen when there are no events running. It was pointed out that mountain bikers also ride on the Glen, not just trials riders, but I would pass on the request.

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