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Magura Racelines Water or Oil


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May seem a daft question but ive just read that you can use water instead of oil for the brakes, has anybody ever done this and does it actually work, other point aswell, if you are to use water what is to stop the inside of the brakes corroding with the insertion of oxygenated water.

Can anybody advise or if they use anything other than water and oil.


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loads of people do it!!! it works quite well, the brake returns quicker with water than with standard mineral oil. The main problem is that it can cause the piston in the leaver to swell, and can also cause leaks. If you have a warrenty, I wouldn't recomend doing it as it will void it instantly. Also with it being, quite chilly this time of year you would be best of running a water/anti-freeze mix to stop the water freezing in your brake, cracking the hoses and generally fudging the brake.

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I've only had one water bleed and i wouldn't do it again.

as mentioned alove piston swells up, resulting in new piston and royal blood. not to mention stopping you ride while you wait for replacement.

ps I've been using maguras since about 98 on and off and have had around half a dozen pairs and only ever had problems with water.

im sure there's a way to do it but why oil works just fine and unless you break hoses left right and center its hardly going to break the bank.

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good thing with a water bleed is you can do it anywhere, if you know how to bath bleed

Or just take the bleed syringe with you on rides and you can get fluid from fountains, streams, shops, etc. Just way more convenient. (:

Bath bleed is good for those without a syringe, could do it in a public toilet with a sink if you're careful about not letting the grub screw fall down the drain haha.

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Shimano Oil works perfect. After lots of problems with lazy pistons using water I left it.

Yeah it's a good alternative for those who likes the feeling of water/antifreeze but wants to keep oil in the hydraulic system.

It's of course thicker than water but thinner than Magura Blood. I had found a 1l bottle for about 13£ one year ago (cheaper than Magura Blood).

Otherwise I noticed the other day that if you let a swollen piston air dry free it takes back its shape and it slides good again in the master cylinder.

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