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Anyone doing 1060 size frames anymore?


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Right guys, if this was 7 year ago i would have been totally up to speed with everything trials. These days i'm a bit out of the game. Up until recently i've been riding an Echo pure 2011 short (1060ish iirc) Perfect for me at 5.10-11 streety feel while still easily pulling big gaps, taps, hooks but being able to manual and bunnyhop high with ease. Unfortunally i've put a big crack through the rear chainstay. I've now got a new pure sl 1085 and i'm really not getting on with it, i can gap and tap easily with it but manualling it is a chore it really doesn't like it! So to shorten this does anyone sell that size frame anymore? Can you still get a short echo? Or does anyone have a good condition one they'd like to swap with my pure sl!

Any help would be awesome!

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Unfortunately at 40mm bb rise, that's going to be pretty far off what Niall's after.

Aside from going custom, there's nothing I know of still produced that fits that great all-round geo. The Inspired's are slightly too short for me..

If you can get hold of an old Phase (M.A.D) frame, they're super enjoyable to ride, and just the type of geo you're after. They're not the strongest of frames, but can handle some abuse (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=196985953419&set=t.721476198&type=3&theater), and will be cheap enough to not worry too much about damaging them..

I'm currently riding an original 2004 Echo Pure, donated by Si Sagar after my Phase got nicked a while back, which is pretty awesome to ride, although I do prefer the Phases. :)

Short of that, get Josh to make you something!

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Unfortunately at 40mm bb rise, that's going to be pretty far off what Niall's after.

Aside from going custom, there's nothing I know of still produced that fits that great all-round geo. The Inspired's are slightly too short for me..

If you can get hold of an old Phase (M.A.D) frame, they're super enjoyable to ride, and just the type of geo you're after. They're not the strongest of frames, but can handle some abuse (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=196985953419&set=t.721476198&type=3&theater), and will be cheap enough to not worry too much about damaging them..

I'm currently riding an original 2004 Echo Pure, donated by Si Sagar after my Phase got nicked a while back, which is pretty awesome to ride, although I do prefer the Phases. :)

Short of that, get Josh to make you something!

Glad some one gets me! The Phase does look like a bang on geo actually! So may give one a go, only thing is i do tend to break frames fairly quickly and don't want to be building and re building all the time as i'm only just getting back to riding regularly it may put me off :P getting old and lazy now! MMMM 2004 pure, I would love another one of those! Also the Echo bounce I had was a joy to ride! Did crack in about 3 months though! I don't get why companies aren't making this style/size anymore? Could do pretty much anything on them at that size and were much more fun than these 1090 monsters which stupid BB rise! Maybe i'm just too old skool.

These JAF bikes, i haven't checked properly but what kind of price are you looking at a general custom build? I guess i could send them my echo and say copy this please?

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These JAF bikes, i haven't checked properly but what kind of price are you looking at a general custom build? I guess i could send them my echo and say copy this please?

It highly depends what you want, but I believe you would expect to pay around 250 to 350.

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Measuring frames by the wheelbase doesn't make much sense any more. For example, a lot of long-ish frames measured with the new Urban fork will come out at 1055-1065. Such a frame would not match what you're looking for. Just wanted to make a point, it's not directly aimed at you.

The 2009/2011 Pure short equivalent will be hard to come by now, you should be looking at a low BB rise for starters. That frame had around 15-25 IIRC. The Ashton is not going to be a direct alternative but a very good one though. It's around 1045 with some forks, very steep head angle so the reach is quite long. This long reach is the main difference you will feel between that and the Echo.

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