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Anodising Companies


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Can anyone recommend somewhere that does anodising at a decent price?

There was a guy I used previously to do a set of forks who was recommended by Mr Read but I've emailed him since and had no reply.

I googled few places and sent them enquiries but have heard nothing back so I can only assume they're not interested in such a small order.

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found myself in the same boat, looked online and had no luck with replies. tried having a scour around local industrial estates? there might be a small place that can sort you out, that don't advertise much i've found google to be a bit biased towards bigger the companies nowadays.

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Got a really good contact for this recently, they do the anodising for Renthal, and are based around Manchester.

Can I remember who it is? No :( Bugger.

S'alright Adam, found the contact details for Steve now. He had problems with Hotmail so changed email, hopefully hear back from him but if not I'll be on the phone pestering you!

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Just did a quick search and found it was Colour Anodising in Radcliffe, Manc that do Renthals stuff but that's one of the places I emailed. Found some older posts on MX forums that says they do a great job but have a minimum order of £75+VAT. Useful if anyone ever wants to go in on a group purchase and send them a load of stuff in one hit.

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Will see what the crack is with Steve then, if his price is up there for the stuff I'm after I may give them a ring to see what the £75 will cover.

Worst case I'll have to find some other bits to bulk it up (inspired frame and forks, cough, cough)

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When I sent him my old Ashton forks (the ones Superlight has for sale on here) I stripped the paint but he said they didn't have to be perfect as he has to blast them prior to anodising. The finish is all down to the prep so he has to make sure there is an even finish on beforehand.

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Out of interest, does he acid dip/prep the items first? I assume it costs more if you provide a powdercoated part rather than just raw etc.?

I emailed him asking this exact same question, his reply:

We have no paint stripping facilities.

We have acids which will dissolve metals and human flesh but paint is an anodisers worst nightmare.

It will need to be totally stripped of every speck in every corner or the anodising will end up spotty. You can't just blast the paint off either or you end up pushing particles of paint into the aluminium which just causes more problems.

Anybody suggest a good way of stripping it so it will be 100% clean?

Ps: Thanks for this thread Dave been looking for a decent anodising company for ages!

Edited by Sam T
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It will need to be totally stripped of every speck in every corner or the anodising will end up spotty. You can't just blast the paint off either or you end up pushing particles of paint into the aluminium which just causes more problems.

Anybody suggest a good way of stripping it so it will be 100% clean?!

I'm assuming nitromors? And then potentially sanding? I would like to know how to get a perfect prep service too haha

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