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Diet plan.


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if i know it well(showurcolours correct me if i am wrong) I heard that the most effectively you can get muscle from fat ( and work of course). In that case you can do both of them once, and you will be big enough for Army

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if i know it well(showurcolours correct me if i am wrong) I heard that the most effectively you can get muscle from fat ( and work of course). In that case you can do both of them once, and you will be big enough for Army

Yeah this is true, but i don't want to be to big.

I'd prefer to look slim, but underneath have the muscle.

I believe it would be easier for me to exercise if my body is at a good size in stead of being Damon sized.

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if i know it well(showurcolours correct me if i am wrong) I heard that the most effectively you can get muscle from fat ( and work of course). In that case you can do both of them once, and you will be big enough for Army

Nope, not true.

Fat can never be anything else other than fat,

and muscle cannot transform into fat.

You simply lose and gain, for both.

Personally, I'd attack the fat storage first for around 4-6 weeks to round house kick your metabolism into a more active state, that way you're far more likely to burn off fat and gain muscle quicker.

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I've lost four stone in the last 18 months by cutting shit out of my diet and.just generally being active..

I've always been a grazer and would eat out of boredom, and drank alot of fizzy drinks, so I decided to cut the fizzy stuff down to a weekly treat, and.only ready my meals, in my case it was usually brown toast, or cereal, something small for lunch, and whatever dinner I wanted..

In terms of activity I just started playing the odd 5a side with my mates, and.getting out on the bike more

I tried alot of diets, and.none worked so the way I looked at it is, a man is supposed to take in 2500 calories a day , you eat right and you'll never exceed it, and with activity you start losing weight, its worked for me anyway

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I've lost four stone in the last 18 months by cutting shit out of my diet and.just generally being active..

I've always been a grazer and would eat out of boredom, and drank alot of fizzy drinks, so I decided to cut the fizzy stuff down to a weekly treat, and.only ready my meals, in my case it was usually brown toast, or cereal, something small for lunch, and whatever dinner I wanted..

In terms of activity I just started playing the odd 5a side with my mates, and.getting out on the bike more

I tried alot of diets, and.none worked so the way I looked at it is, a man is supposed to take in 2500 calories a day , you eat right and you'll never exceed it, and with activity you start losing weight, its worked for me anyway

Well done to you mate!

Brad needs to realise this is going to be quite hard work but a success story always helps ;)

Also as for trying all the diets, yes they are all shit, yes they are all scientifically flawed. Why do people do them? Because people will try anything.

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Hey, I'm into bodybuilding/fitness and if you want a good calorie counter then I suggest you start getting familiar with http://www.myfitnesspal.com/

So basically you put in your weight, height, how physically active you are throughout the day (we all ride our bikes almost daily so just put VERY active), if you wanna lose or gain weight, and then it's gonna tell you the ammount of calories a day you need in order to achieve that.

Then you go to the "food" tab on top, and then put in what you eat during the day (trust me you don't take 3 minutes logging in all of your food) and it's telling you how close to your daily calories you are, how close to your protein, carbs, and fats.

Logging food there is easy, just eat 1 serving or 2 out of whatever product, let's say white rice, so you put on the search bar "white rice" you select it from the options (It has all possible food on earth!) and then select the ammount of servings you just ate.

If you have a good extensive log on your macros (macronutrients: carbs, fats, proteins) then you can see if one day you went over what you were supposed to, so you make up the next day, or the other way around.

Trust me once you get used to it like me, it won't take you not even 2 minutes to log your daily food (it syncs with the App you can download for your phone).

It's a perfect way to track your macros and that way you don't have to go on stupid diets, eating what you like and just knowing what your body needs. Almost everyone that's into fitness or bodybuilding uses that, because it's so simple yet so handy.

Edited by valk
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Hey, I'm into bodybuilding/fitness and if you want a good calorie counter then I suggest you start getting familiar with http://www.myfitnesspal.com/

So basically you put in your weight, height, how physically active you are throughout the day (we all ride our bikes almost daily so just put VERY active), if you wanna lose or gain weight, and then it's gonna tell you the ammount of calories a day you need in order to achieve that.

Then you go to the "food" tab on top, and then put in what you eat during the day (trust me you don't take 3 minutes logging in all of your food) and it's telling you how close to your daily calories you are, how close to your protein, carbs, and fats.

Logging food there is easy, just eat 1 serving or 2 out of whatever product, let's say white rice, so you put on the search bar "white rice" you select it from the options (It has all possible food on earth!) and then select the ammount of servings you just ate.

If you have a good extensive log on your macros (macronutrients: carbs, fats, proteins) then you can see if one day you went over what you were supposed to, so you make up the next day, or the other way around.

Trust me once you get used to it like me, it won't take you not even 2 minutes to log your daily food (it syncs with the App you can download for your phone).

It's a perfect way to track your macros and that way you don't have to go on stupid diets, eating what you like and just knowing what your body needs. Almost everyone that's into fitness or bodybuilding uses that, because it's so simple yet so handy.

On principle, I painfully approve of what you have said.

Scientifically however, I'll never concede.

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If you go to local fitness centre/ gym they usually offer test (usually at a fee) where you get your resting calorie rate, met cycles and estimated active calorie count assessed for you and then they will they'll you how much weight you have in muscle.
I usually find as long as i eat a diff type of meat from one day to the next (mon red, tues white, wed fish etc) have starchy/high carb foods on days after exercise and high vitamin foods on rest days it helps keep balance.
personally I don't gauge myself on weight though its far better to gauge self on stamina and cardio.

Edit: Its mostly about the style of exercise you do too. Unless you are massively excessive eater the more important part of a diet is the exercise plan and an hour running/ on a bike (fixed wheel aka no cruising) will drastically help and not really increase size.

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Well done to you mate!

Brad needs to realise this is going to be quite hard work but a success story always helps ;)

Also as for trying all the diets, yes they are

all shit, yes they are all scientifically flawed. Why do people do them? Because people will try anything.

Thanks mate, yeah I tried some ridiculous diets I must say!

Yeah also salt intake can make a big difference, fluid retention is a major part of peoples weight, and if you cut out alot of salt and drink alot of water you can drop a few pounds just in fluids well it worked for me, everyone is individual

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Thanks mate, yeah I tried some ridiculous diets I must say!

Yeah also salt intake can make a big difference, fluid retention is a major part of peoples weight, and if you cut out alot of salt and drink alot of water you can drop a few pounds just in fluids well it worked for me, everyone is individual

Yeah cutting sodium is good idea for your health(always) BUT if you reduce it too fast and drastically it will lead to increased sodium retention, so dropping doses slowly is the key.

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Yeah cutting sodium is good idea for your health(always) BUT if you reduce it too fast and drastically it will lead to increased sodium retention, so dropping doses slowly is the key.

Yeah totally agree, you cant be too drastic with anything in terms of weight and dieting, you have to do things slowly and not too aggressively, otherwise you can be left with things like excess skin, etc

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I havent fully read the whole topic yet but whatever.

Don't count calories it's gay and aren't a good way get in better shape.

What you need to do is to excersie, take 1 or 2 rest days a week, and eat healthier food, more vegetables, raw rice, brown bread and drink lots of water. Stop eating the f**king biscuits and crisps etc haha. The thing you deffo want to do is to lower the fat intake.

You need to eat "regular" but a bit healthier, you still need to eat proteins and carbs and vitamins:)

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On principle, I painfully approve of what you have said.

Scientifically however, I'll never concede.

Yup, ideally you wanna track your micro-nutrients, and know how much calories you burn per riding session, at the gym too.

It's not a perfect method either, but that puts you well on track, at least you won't have to worry if your food is healthy or not, if it has X ammount of what kind of fats and such.

You'll find out that greasy food for example, will spike the fat you need per day, it will all just get unbalanced on your macros, so it's not a good thing to eat.

After a few days you'll balance things on your head while preparing meals, you'll go like: Hmm this chicken breast is high on protein, but I'll lack on carbs, so Imma add some tasty white rice, then I need a bit of fat, so I'll throw some avocado too. ...and there you go! a tasty healthy meal! that's gonna help you hit your macros every day :D

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One of the most common things is focusing to much on calories rather than on what they came from. 100kcal from fat is way more energy than 100kcal from protein.

Think about what you just said.

I'll refer to the old dilema to help you out

"What falls faster, a tonne of bricks, or a tonne or feathers?"

Yup, ideally you wanna track your micro-nutrients, and know how much calories you burn per riding session, at the gym too.

It's not a perfect method either, so Imma add some tasty white rice,


Also agreed,

Well, at least you said tasty and not healthy ;)

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Think about what you just said.

I'll refer to the old dilema to help you out

"What falls faster, a tonne of bricks, or a tonne or feathers?"

A tonne of Bricks because the density of a tonne of bricks is higher so would have smaller surface area.

Unless you'r referring to a prefect vaccum

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Think about what you just said.

I'll refer to the old dilema to help you out

"What falls faster, a tonne of bricks, or a tonne or feathers?"


Also agreed,

Well, at least you said tasty and not healthy ;)

I love white rice :D

I gotta add that it's not nitpicking on everything you eat, and staying away from good things. I eat lots of burritos, pizza, I kinda got obsessed with a mexican restaurant near my house, and if I could afford it I'd eat there every day.

I'm not missing on good things, to make it fair I eat tastier than ever before!

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A tonne of Bricks because the density of a tonne of bricks is higher so would have smaller surface area.

Unless you'r referring to a prefect vaccum

I disagree, a smaller surface area would make no difference to gravity if both objects have the same mass.

Both would fall at -9.81m/s

I once heard though, that in a perfect vacuum, a 1g brick will fall at the same speed as 1 tonne of feathers. Not sure how true that is though :D

Can't say I know too much about vacuums and theoretical physics


Still, my point about the energy is correct fo'sure

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Wind resistance is due to surface area A skydiver doesn't lower his mass when he pulls his parachute he just increases the surface area of that mass.
In a vaccum acceleration =mg and would therefore be only dependent on mass.

I do agree though kcal = kcal = measure of energy

edit: Fixed lol

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Kcal is physical measure of energy=amount of energy you get by burning(literally) 1g of something. Human body use chamically bonded energy, so using physical measures is wildly inappropriate. It takes 10times more energy to fully breakdown and absorb 1g of protein than do the same with 1g of fat. So think once again about this "kcal=kcal" bs ;)

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Kcal is physical measure of energy=amount of energy you get by burning(literally) 1g of something. Human body use chamically bonded energy, so using physical measures is wildly inappropriate. It takes 10times more energy to fully breakdown and absorb 1g of protein than do the same with 1g of fat. So think once again about this "kcal=kcal" bs ;)

I'll concede to that though the unit i question is the physical enery

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