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A wobbly problem..


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Basically, When I'm on my back wheel it feels like something is loose. After spending hours completely puzzled at what it could be, checking all moving parts and looking for possible cracks I've finally found the problem.

When I lock my rear brake on I can move my wheel about 1mm either way because of pad wobble. The problem became apparent when I fitted my plastic backed coust pads (please no comments on how they can break at the backing I know that they can do this)

Before I ran these i'd been using TNN backings and did not notice this when these were fitted.

My questions are: Is it normal? Also if it is not normal, does this mean I may need to invest in some new slaves? (I have a feeling there may be a better fit with new slaves)

And if I do have to invest in new slaves is there anything I can do to my current slaves to make them fit better? (Being at college I don't work many hours so the cheaper this repair is the better)

Thank-you for taking your time to read this


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tried to see how the pads fit in other slaves? try wrapping a layer of tape round the peg/fork/whatever they're called bits that the pad sits against in the slaves maybe?

this is the kind of niggly thing that would really piss me off if it was my bike.

If it starts to wind me up more i'll consider this.. only concern is getting the tape to stay, plus if it doesn't stick too well and it compresses the tape then my brake pad will not lie flat against the slave making the problem worse :/

I'm just glad there's nothing 'wrong with it'.. after all, when something bad starts to happen chances are it will only ever get worse..

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