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whats the best way to fix a sticky slave piston?


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got a sticky piston on one of the rear slaves...

last time i blew an airline in there to get the piston to pop out a bit.. then cleaned all the crud out and lubed it with 3 in 1 oil.

worked for a month or 2 but now its sticky again.. any better ideas?

i cant be arsed to do it every month..

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search for 2 pistons with the same spring ratio.i´d recommend a newton pull scale.good luck :wink2:

did you use your tpa alot yet?its normal for maggies to become assymmetric in their behavior in this case.

i´d guess you knew that

Edited by FamilyBiker
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the slaves were new mid way through 2011, they are the hs33's which i hear are crap anyway.

running an echo TR lever, TT splitter and royal blood bleed.

ill do the same again, blow the shit out and lube up, guess ill just have stop being lazy and keep ontop of it.

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eeewww,2011 model.bin it and get a 05 :wink:

yeah yeah i know.. haha

the lever was wank so i traded it fot the echo TR which is alright my me. its had a few mods to improve it. apparently the 2011 slaves are flexy.. ? so dunno.

ill clean mine up and see whats what, if they get stuck again ill chuck them out my car window on the motorway and get some 05's

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