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Freewheel's (advice)


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I don't mean to start any arguments please don't take my replies to heart, I understand more engagements are better my point was if its not a long lasting freewheel just because it has more engagements that isnt always a good thing. I also stated in previous replys to this thread having more engagements isn't going to improve anyone's riding.

I have noted your bad rep about the tensile though as well as other people over Facebook.

I'm going to look into trying out a hope but in the meantime I will have a go with a tensile

Edited by Seabasss
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Tensile 60 click mate. I'm a man near your stature (size) and its never skipped on me, so I would get one. Don't trust echo freewheels, after I saw my mate shatter a three week old one, and it was bedded in right. All the parts are available for tensile's and they are easy to get apart and maintain

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Not sure if there is any point telling you this as you seem to know best, firstly I'd take your king hub to some one who's not stupid and get it set up correctly. It's not that hard.

Tensile freewheels are nice if you like exploding freewheels, and no face

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Freewheels are all failing here and there its luck and what happens to them during bedding in.

Its not always how heavy you are its more down to how rough you are on the pedals.

I f

Used to pedal with a striking motion hitting the freewheel hard and used to smash all the freewheels I had. Now i preload the pedal carfully engaging the pawls before putting the power down.

Been using a tensile 60 for months with no problems.

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I always thought the oppisite of everything that has been said. Some people may know both laurence-trials and kenny-trials and they've both had echo SL's for way over a year with no problems, think kennys is coming up for 2!!! never skiped not once. Before i sold up mine was just over a year old and again had never skipped a beat! Whereas laurence had a tensile 60 click that was crap then got a tensile 96 that skipped every now and then ( dont think i was beded in well) so i had always though Sl freewheels were the best. I used to love my White industries never had a problem with it and you can buy everything for it. What about the new Try-all 120.9? ive been off for 6 months and aint up to date with everything so dont have a go ;) hehe

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Old SL were great freewheels, new ones are different, that´s the problem.

This! as above if your friends have had there freewheel's for that long they most likely have the same model that lasted me a year too. The same model most of my friends are still riding with no problem's.

I managed to get a free hub so I'm going down that route for a while. I know that dose not just mean I've excluded all problems but I know I can service it very easily.

It seem's with the amount of problems and people's advice all the freewheel's have different problem's.

I hope echo manage to revert back to the first 108 models or upgrade to something else I might be tempted to move back but for now I am happy.

Just out of curiosity has anyone rode the new viz freewheel?

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