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Criminal record and hopelessness


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I want to talk about it. In my country if you has criminal record (don't matter for what - murder or stealing 20pounds(you can be putted it jail for 3+years for stealing 20 pounds)) - youre f**king shitty scum for all your life in eyes of all employers and, of course you can't get normal legal job. I think it's really f**king stupid, because it force former criminals to be criminals for all life.

For example: your young and silly, done some bad thing, it's was a mistake, you realized that it was f**king bad and that you don't want to live criminal life, you want to live normal like the others, you don't want being bad anymore. But you have no chance.

What can you say about situations like that in your country?

Edited by clerictgm
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  On 12/24/2012 at 7:48 PM, clerictgm said:
What can you say about situations like that in your country?

I don't think it's quite that bad, but yes if you commit an offence it will always show up on your CRB check - which will influence job applications.

  On 12/24/2012 at 7:52 PM, JMCD said:
In our country... You won't really get a job unless you know a friend or family that'll give you one, and proper good jobs only really go to people who have the skills to do it IMO.

Anyone can learn a skill for a job - you just have to be committed.

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What JMCD is talking about, irrelevant on how qualified you are a friend or family member of the business/ manager/ supervisor/ etc will always get the job over anyone else. The person who gets laid off, the same. The person who gets a payrise, the same. The person who gets the blame, the same.

The more people i talk to, the more it appears the same. I wasn't going to believe it at first, but it's led me to re-think the direction of my life. Do i go to Uni, potentially waste 30k, and destroy what savings i do have? Or do i just wait till pot luck comes my way?

I've pot luck on more occasions than i've seen hard work pay off.

As for being a criminal, i think on paper, an employer has to give them an equal opportunity. Same as redundancy, and your nationality. If you're foreign, you get to stay. Whether that actually happens, i don't know.

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Exactly, my current part time job at the moment came through my mums boss (who is more of a very good family friend, known him 15 years).

And all other little jobs I've had came through my neighbour, whereas I've spent so much time on job sites I'm lucky to ever get an email back.

I'm not going to bother with university because I genuinely think it's a waste of time and money.

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If you wanna work in an office then it's gonna hold you back, but if you get into a trade & wanna be a builder then it's really not a big deal, I've worked with plenty of builders that have been to prison.

Pretty much any self employed work you'd be alright, but getting employed by a big company......you'd struggle, but like someone said, it's who you know not what you know.

But I agree, I think if you did something fairly minor as a teen that means you can only work for agencies for £6.50 an hour for the rest of your life, then that's pretty shit.

Edited by LEON
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  On 12/25/2012 at 11:29 AM, eskimo said:
@shercofray What JMCD is talking about, irrelevant on how qualified you are a friend or family member of the business/ manager/ supervisor/ etc will always get the job over anyone else. The person who gets laid off, the same. The person who gets a payrise, the same. The person who gets the blame, the same.
This, exactly. Has happened quite a bit at our place, a lad has been working at our place on the agency for 2 years in the quality department, and he should have been taken on at the last lot of jobs. But it got given to an outsider with no previous experience, who just happened to be a mate of the QC boss. Its a right joke
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  On 12/25/2012 at 11:29 AM, eskimo said:
What JMCD is talking about, irrelevant on how qualified you are a friend or family member of the business/ manager/ supervisor/ etc will always get the job over anyone else. The person who gets laid off, the same. The person who gets a payrise, the same. The person who gets the blame, the same.

  On 12/25/2012 at 11:35 AM, JMCD said:
Exactly, my current part time job at the moment came through my mums boss (who is more of a very good family friend, known him 15 years).

And all other little jobs I've had came through my neighbour, whereas I've spent so much time on job sites I'm lucky to ever get an email back.

I'm not going to bother with university because I genuinely think it's a waste of time and money.

  On 12/25/2012 at 11:37 AM, LEON said:
If you wanna work in an office then it's gonna hold you back, but if you get into a trade & wanna be a builder then it's really not a big deal, I've worked with plenty of builders that have been to prison.

Pretty much any self employed work you'd be alright, but getting employed by a big company......you'd struggle, but like someone said, it's who you know not what you know.

But I agree, I think if you did something fairly minor as a teen that means you can only work for agencies for £6.50 an hour for the rest of your life, then that's pretty shit.

This all depend's on where you are aiming for. Yes, I would imagine being hired into a trade is mainly about word of mouth as it is very hard to judge a person on paper in this sector.

If you want an office job/work for any larger company, it is going to make a huge difference as this is very much no longer word of mouth.

It all depends where you want to go in life.

  On 12/25/2012 at 11:53 AM, dann2707 said:
It's not what you know, it's who you know sort of thing yeah?

Yes, that is what they are trying to say.

Edited by shercofray
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Depending on what you get done for the offence only stays on your record for a certain amount of time. Once it's spent you don't need to declare it on job applications. That said though, the only way an employer would find out is if you need a crb check for the job.

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Surely it's fairly well known that a criminal record will screw up your career? Which means surely you're well aware of the consequences of your actions before deciding to commit the crime, no matter how small? OK, it's not overly fair that you don't get much of a chance at reprieve, but then it's the persons own, informed choice to put themselves in that position? Meaning that ignoring the issue of not wanting to hire criminals in case they re-offend, it also shows a lack of judgement and/or understanding of consequence that will make them a less attractive employee in its self.

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  On 12/27/2012 at 12:58 PM, Max Quinn said:
The way he bangs on about being a criminal, I think it's more likely he stole some sweeties..... from his grandmas jar or something.

Maybe. I will know if I lucky or not in the first day of spring. And it wil affect all my life. I can do something to avoid this, but.. I don't care and that's not interesting to play safe. f**k it. Waiting is killing me. It's the worst.

  On 12/27/2012 at 12:58 PM, Max Quinn said:
The way he bangs on about being a criminal, I think it's more likely he stole some sweeties..... from his grandmas jar or something.

It's another language and another country forum, so why not?

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You think it's unfair that you'll be tarnished with a label that will effect the rest of your life, when you could have avoided it easily but couldn't be arsed to? That's not unfair, that's just your own fault for screwing up. It'd be unfair if it wasn't your fault, but it is, so you can't exactly complain about it. Sucks that things went bad for you, but it sounds like there's a way out, so quit moaning to us and do something about it. Anyone would think that you're proud of the label, and that this thread was just another attempt to make sure people know about it, because if you actually had a problem with the system, you'd be fighting it, not moaning to a bunch of strangers about it.

Cheer up, quit acting like being a criminal's something to be proud of, get out of the charges and live your life.

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