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The Happy Thread

Duncy H

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90% off on Razer computer parts, so got this and this for a sum of £20 delivered.

I can 90% guarantee that I'll get an email saying it was an error on the website though. Betcha!

f**k sake wish I saw this deal earlier! :( was looking at a new mouse and wanted a razer one as they're f**king good.

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Somehow I managed to end up dreaming about a sick computer mouse :S

Somehow I dreamt about the bike shop ringing me for a telephone interview and I missed the call 3 times and was so upset that I'm shit on the phone that it could have cost me a job...

Then I woke up and realised nobody had rang me at all.


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Chilling out playing guitar, missus is out so i've got some time to chill which is nice. Also happy my Grandad's funeral wen't really well yesterday :). Also picked up some new converse for £20 in the office sale!


Edited by Ben Cox
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The morrow I'm working in a place with phone signal for the first in 5 weeks. Muel I think you will like it up here.

Haha, keep thinking about jacking it all in and heading up to do something outdoors for a living, but doubt it'll ever happen. Too many other things to get done first!
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It's actually a good thing, because its to help go towards my car insurance, which has to be payed in full sum and not monthly, once i've sorted the insurance i have a damn good job to start.

As long as you can get it under control and pay off in full each month. I've had one since last June and paid the full balance each month and my credit rating has improved a lot :) but it will mess you up if you don't stay on top of payments as missed payments etc stay on your credit report for 7 years. I hope you researched all this prior to getting one mind.

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As long as you can get it under control and pay off in full each month. I've had one since last June and paid the full balance each month and my credit rating has improved a lot :) but it will mess you up if you don't stay on top of payments as missed payments etc stay on your credit report for 7 years. I hope you researched all this prior to getting one mind.

My mum was a financial adviser so she's talked my through everything so i know what i'm doing.

I only plan to use the card when i actually have the cash so i can purchase something and then pay it straight away.

It sounds like a ball ache but having just gone 18 i don't have any other credit other than a phone bill.

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My mum was a financial adviser so she's talked my through everything so i know what i'm doing.

I only plan to use the card when i actually have the cash so i can purchase something and then pay it straight away.

It sounds like a ball ache but having just gone 18 i don't have any other credit other than a phone bill.


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