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The Happy Thread

Duncy H

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You f**king legend. So proud of you. Beers on me at next radfest/tartydays + me and Dan will take you clubbing haha

Thanks mate!

I actually planning to go there( this time around with a car, as no way I will sleep in tents anymore) and thats sounds like a solid plan! :)

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Woman says yes to the French Bulldog.

Just got a Facetime from Oz, basically told her that I was going to have one by the time she got back and she was all sad that she wouldn't get to be there when he came home.

And another running jacket turned up today.






Just want my mother f**king ankle to be back to strength now so I can RUNNNN FOREST RUNNNNNN.

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Thanks mate!

I actually planning to go there( this time around with a car, as no way I will sleep in tents anymore) and thats sounds like a solid plan! :)

I'm stopping in a hotel this time. Not sleeping around you animals agin haha. But I will come out on the piss round Chelmsford
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Am I the only one wondering what the f**k a running jacket is? Why do people need a running jacket to run

Had a f**king sick ride with Ogre and Adam Baxter tonight after work. Didn't ride to the best of my ability but had so much bantoorrrrrrrrrrr, definitely what rides are about.

Edited by dann2707
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Because when you exercise you tend to not want to do it in all weathers for fear of wetness, coldness, man-up-ness and other reasons, so if you are able to wear clothing that will help you regulate the same temperature in as many varying conditions as possible you'll be more inclined to actually do some exercise rather than stay at home and have a wank.

So you buy a light weight, reasonably wind proof, reasonably waterproof jacket, and then when the weather gets a bit crap (see, what's outside right now) you can just chuck a jacket on and still enjoy your run.

Or if it is looking like the weather is going to change, you fold it into it's pocket and pack it down, strap it round you and off you go. An almost certain way of ensuring that it won't rain.

Most waterproof and windproof jackets that don't weigh a ton that you could repeatedly exercise in usually cost £100. I think we can all agree on that.

Because a "running jacket" only needs to keep the wind and rain off you whilst being a bit breathable and doesn't need all the insulation to keep a resting body warm the price is considerably less. These jackets were about £30 a piece, and are MUCH better suited to exercise than anything else I know of for that money.

It's a pretty f**king retarded question Dan, like asking why swimmers wear swimwear not their underwear.

Edited by Pashley26
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If it's not luminous for visibility in the dry, and covered in reflective piping for visibility in the wet, it ain't getting worn by me. But I wear tights when I run, so what do I know?

If they get you out there more often, I guess they're a good purchase :)

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I was totally expecting to get shot down when I saw you had posted!

Tights are alright, I go out in my 2XU tights sometimes. But my leg hairs poke through and I look a bit weird.

But then I remember I am running in tights.


I just accidentally the mother of all unibody MacBooks.

On the way to London to collect.

Edited by Pashley26
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Lots of posts in the Happy Thread today from me. I think I am just really happy at the moment?

I went to London this morning to pick up the mother of all MacBooks. I wanted a MacBook Pro, didn't want to spend £1300 for the spec I wanted, didn't like the lmetal case and wanted an acrylic style Unibody one, and I didn't see the sense in buying a new Pro when I could have as much fun buying a 10 model and upgrading it.

Then...I saw it. EXACTLY what I wanted, ready built, on eBay and only an hour away for collection and 14 minutes left till auction end. From a professional Apple MacBook refurbishment company, with a 12 month warranty and all the upgrades.

I whacked in my best bid, went for a walk without any phones to check up and came back 20 minutes later.






A fully restored, mentally upgraded A1342 with a 500GB SSD upgrade, 8GB of RAM and most important of all an Nvidia graphics card upgrade running Maverick.

This made me VERY happy.

I went into town today and picked up a second PS3 controller, and spent the afternoon playing Sonic 3 mirrored onto my TV with my mum. Which was nice, because she is a legend and I don't get to spend time with her that often.

Spent an hour Facetiming Wonder Woman in Oz. She's doing great.

And my ankle swelling has dropped.

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This could be because I'm slightly backwards when it comes to tech but I find my Surface 3 tablet the most amazing piece of technology I've encountered in years, perhaps ever. Been discovering it for 2 days now and there's little this thing cannot do, it's a proper PC just in the form of a thin screen. Even got Mass Effect 3 to run on it with satisfactory graphics and fps. Just wow.

Missus got her hands on it yesterday and drew this in OneNote, the pen is really capable too. Wish I could actually draw...


Money well spent. Was expecting something good but never this good.

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