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The Happy Thread

Duncy H

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"In a relationship." "being with her". "too much fun being single" huh? That seems very conflicting which is why I bought it up.

You know, like in normal life, couples can and do get on and don't always hate each other?

(This isn't at you now, so don't get upset) It genuinely amazes me how many people moan and complain about their partners with quite deep-seeded issues. If it's that bad why do people stay together? Whenever I see men with jaded opinions of women all being twats (which apart from being an amazing generalisation) and annoying I can only assume they've either only met a few or they're attracted to assholes (which coincidently is equally concentrated between the sexes).

Must be just the way I talk because being with someone is the same thing as being in a relationship in my area.

Are you actually that dense that you can't actually understand I meant I can be happy if I was to be single. Not as in I'm single now, it's pretty f**king obvious. Dear lorrrrrrd haha

And my two cents, the reason why I stuck with some of the shit I did is because something negative would happen then you'd think about all the good times you've had together and it would be stupid to break up over "something as little as that". And when do these little things add up to being such a problem that you end it? Everyday? Probably but if something happens say once every three weeks you don't really see it as a regular occurrence as you no doubt have a great time in between these mishaps. Just the way I see it. Unless you have a set amount of times they're allowed to "be arse holes" it's fairly hard to quantify when you shouldn't be together.

Edited by dann2707
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Must be just the way I talk because being with someone is the same thing as being in a relationship in my area.

Are you actually that dense that you can't actually understand I meant I can be happy if I was to be single. Not as in I'm single now, it's pretty f**king obvious. Dear lorrrrrrd haha

And my two cents, the reason why I stuck with some of the shit I did is because something negative would happen then you'd think about all the good times you've had together and it would be stupid to break up over "something as little as that". And when do these little things add up to being such a problem that you end it? Everyday? Probably but if something happens say once every three weeks you don't really see it as a regular occurrence as you no doubt have a great time in between these mishaps. Just the way I see it. Unless you have a set amount of times they're allowed to "be arse holes" it's fairly hard to quantify when you shouldn't be together.

You are a contradictory character aren't you….

For what it's worth, no I'm not dense, but your ambiguous language doesn't really ensure any clarity over the tense in which you are speaking. You said, "Have too much fun being single (didn't tell her the last bit)", which is a statement fair enough, but one that appears to be in the present tense which is further reinforced by your comment in brackets. So it's only natural you'd assume you were referring to now….hence the "huh?".

In regards to your 'Springers final thoughts'….yeah, thanks for that (I didn't ask), however that lovely piece of logic (which is probably one of the only things you've ever said that doesn't appear to be stupid) entirely (imagine me really elongating that word) contradicts your rather hard-nosed approach with this new girl. So your two cents aren't without fault. I could understand you possibly not wanting to be hurt again (a woman scorned and all that - you're the woman in this instance), but it seems stupid to let a one-time-bint who f**ked other guys taint further relationships with seemingly nice people.

Scars heal Daniel, yes, they remain visible but you need to open your heart, let people in. I know it hurts, but that's a part of healing. You can trust again. You can. Don't be afraid to get hurt…..*whispers* don't be frightened.

Edited by Matthew62
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This is a genuine question - have all the women you've been in relationships with really done this?

At some point yeah. Probably caused by me haha. 80% sweetness and light, 20% mardy f**ker. Your Mrs must be mardy at some point mate, you are a bloke and women think we are all bastards. @matthew62, because relationships are about give and take, if you don't take a bit of shit you'll more than likely end up lonely and miserable. Nobody is perfect

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At some point yeah. Probably caused by me haha. 80% sweetness and light, 20% mardy f**ker. Your Mrs must be mardy at some point mate, you are a bloke and women think we are all bastards. @matthew62, because relationships are about give and take, if you don't take a bit of shit you'll more than likely end up lonely and miserable. Nobody is perfect

Yeah I'm not in any confusion over what makes for a good relationship, I've been pretty gosh-darn-happy with my gal for a good while. What I meant is why do people put up with people they clearly don't really like, or have issues with?

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Still waiting on a reply to this my sweet darling Matthew, we still getting that drink?

A reply to what? I honestly don't know what you're going on about now. You need to be more select in your choosing of words.

No thanks, don't really like you (remember).

But you have fun to an excessive amount, possibly over that of which is possible (you said "too") being single……. begs the question why you'd choose to go out with anyone?

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A reply to what? I honestly don't know what you're going on about now. You need to be more select in your choosing of words.

No thanks, don't really like you (remember).

But you have fun to an excessive amount, possibly over that of which is possible (you said "too") being single……. begs the question why you'd choose to go out with anyone?

Yeah nice way to try and get out of the absolute bullshit you're chatting about. I would have expected that from jardo.

And for what it's worth saying too much fun doesn't insinuate that at all. Maybe if I had said more not too. Try again Matthew.

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What I meant is why do people put up with people they clearly don't really like, or have issues with?

People don't like change. It's 'easier' to put up with something and just be 'slightly' unhappy.

That's why people have jobs they don't like, live somewhere they don't like etc etc.

The majority of the population are just too lazy to get up and make a change in their lives.

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Yeah nice way to try and get out of the absolute bullshit you're chatting about. I would have expected that from jardo.

And for what it's worth saying too much fun doesn't insinuate that at all. Maybe if I had said more not too. Try again Matthew.

Mate, what the f**k are you going on about? I've "chatted" no bullshit, I'm not getting out of anything, I just no longer know what you're saying. You time and time again contradict yourself which i think may, in part, be due to the way you talk, but I, not familiar with your colloquialisms get lost. It's not a case of me being dense, it's a case of you being so ingrained in your own phrasing you cannot possibly fathom other people don't talk like that, or phrase things differently. You are not clear! Also, use a comma every now and again, it will help.

I don't get the second sentence, honestly? Having too much fun doesn't insinuate what? That you're having 'too much fun'? It does! Because, well, you said it.

People don't like change. It's 'easier' to put up with something and just be 'slightly' unhappy.

That's why people have jobs they don't like, live somewhere they don't like etc etc.

The majority of the population are just too lazy to get up and make a change in their lives.

Jeez louise….. bring us all down why don't you ;)

Honestly though, what a depressing outlook on life, I don't see anything easy about it, trudging on through life.

Nick Cave put it pretty well "people talk about being afraid of change, but for me I'm more afraid of things staying the same. The game is never won by staying in any one place for too long".

Edited by Matthew62
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What have I said that's contradicted myself. You're just so narrow minded you can't think outside of the box. You digest information exactly as you see it.

What you said I am is exactly what you are! You cannot read properly and take the wrong meanings out of what people say.!

Like before when I said about Danny Mac and you went on a massive rant and took offence to something that wasn't offensive in any way.

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What have I said that's contradicted myself. You're just so narrow minded you can't think outside of the box. You digest information exactly as you see it.

Hahaha….. oh Daniel. Your comments just don't ever make sense. Nothing I've said shows narrow-mindedness, in fact, the exact opposite.

Anyway, you've had enough attention (I know you love it), all this back and forth isn't very happy now is it…. so… today I am happy because…. ummmm…… 4 days off and I'm seeing Jack White. Yeah, that's happy enough. :)

Thread title changed

So the thread is now for lovers of a layered high-quality-image-format? ;)

Edited by Matthew62
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