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The Happy Thread

Duncy H

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Just found a part of the Lego website where people submit ideas for sets and if they get 10,000 likes then Lego will consider it to be made. I've just submitted my approval of the Jurassic Park set (greatest film ever made) and there's loads of other great ideas like a Monkey Island set! http://ideas.lego.com

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What a day round gisburn. Had an ace ride with Neil Robinson, only one bail, no punctures, no mechanicals, did the hully gully line on my carrera hardtail and had the best days riding I've had in a long long time. It was epic

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Why did you capitalise dark? Have you tried the chocolate orange spread?

Mainly because milk chocolate isn't manly enough, and I need to do everything I can to compensate for the fact I wear girls jeans, weigh about 3 stone and generally moan about the temperature.

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Working nights last week meant I didn't really do much exercise so I counteracted that this week with a brutal legs session at the gym Tuesday night followed by spinning yesterday morning and now I'm back cycling to work on days this weekend. For someone who generally didn't used to like exercise much (immensely low stamina and high ability to sweat without much effort) I'm really enjoying pushing myself at these things and I can really see a difference in power on the odd occasions I do ride my bike.

I really look forward to doing stuff now, cannot wait to get building a new bike up after xmas and it's helping take my mind off other problems for now.

I'm also pleased that I'm mixing with new people, as gay as it may sound the confidence I'm getting from how I currently look is definitely helping me to talk to new people and try things on my own (having a go at a kettlecise class Monday potentially as the only bloke!).

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New relationship is the least stressful thing ever. Can do what I want, don't get the silent treatment, really happy for the time being.

Oh dear me. The novelty hasn't worn off yet. Don't worry, it will, she will turn into a complete twat because she's a woman, and it's in her nature

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Hahah don't worry, i've told her the moment it/if it starts to happen i'm not being with her, life's too short to be dictated and moaned at. Have too much fun being single (didn't tell her the last bit)

"In a relationship…." "being with her"…. "too much fun being single"…… huh? That seems very conflicting which is why I bought it up.

You know, like in normal life, couples can and do get on and don't always hate each other?

(This isn't at you now, so don't get upset) It genuinely amazes me how many people moan and complain about their partners with quite deep-seeded issues. If it's that bad why do people stay together? Whenever I see men with jaded opinions of women all being twats (which apart from being an amazing generalisation) and annoying I can only assume they've either only met a few or they're attracted to assholes (which coincidently is equally concentrated between the sexes).

Edited by Matthew62
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