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The Happy Thread

Duncy H

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What is it you're doing now?

Basically, there are these things called piezoelctric materials, no doubt you'll have heard of them before. When you apply pressure to them they create a voltage and vice versa and can be used in loads of places, for sensing stuff such as in nuclear and gas industry. Howeverrrrrrrr, conventional p materials burn out at a certain temperature but the very small company i'm working for have developed a unique product that doesn't burn out under high temperatures. This means they can be situated in really high temp places without dying, opening up a huge huge market :)

Company is only 8 men strong and 9 months old at the moment but it's expanding massively. Kinda cool to think that if they do go big places, i'll have been there pretty much from the start!

Forgot to say what i'm doing, making them! haha Takes so long to make them as it's basically a ceramic, lots of steps, milling the powder, sintering, pressing etc.

Edited by dann2707
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Nice one Dan. Desk jobs really do suck. I seriously wish computers didn't exist. Wouldn't be surprised if they cause as many health problems as they help fix.

(Disclaimer: I can see there's probably some irony in that statement, and that I have no right to complain)

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I can imagine, also the fact you've constantly got a clock in front of you which won't help matters. Im remembering how fast the day went when I was working at my school as I was walking around everywhere doing odd jobs.

Although I am envious that you get to use solidworks :)

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Basically, there are these things called piezoelctric materials, no doubt you'll have heard of them before. When you apply pressure to them they create a voltage and vice versa and can be used in loads of places, for sensing stuff such as in nuclear and gas industry. Howeverrrrrrrr, conventional p materials burn out at a certain temperature but the very small company i'm working for have developed a unique product that doesn't burn out under high temperatures. This means they can be situated in really high temp places without dying, opening up a huge huge market :)

Company is only 8 men strong and 9 months old at the moment but it's expanding massively. Kinda cool to think that if they do go big places, i'll have been there pretty much from the start!

Forgot to say what i'm doing, making them! haha Takes so long to make them as it's basically a ceramic, lots of steps, milling the powder, sintering, pressing etc.

I doubt you'll be the only company to have this stuff in the future though. When the copycats come along prepare yourself for the worst lol. But of course the longer you stay the better :)

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despite being brutalised by a stroke and pneumonia my grandad made it to 90 yesterday :) he's f**king incredible and i'm always astounded by how optimistic he is. if i turn out like him i'll be well pleased.

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Used my man senses today and changed my usual cycle route by using a footpath that I thought looked like it lead the right way, Turned out it did. Takes slightly longer but it's really really good fun! Rocky uphill section for about a mile then a really tech narrow route back down. Love living in Yorkshire!

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First week of proper work done :D genuinely had an awesome time. Everyone is ace. I'm a really good judge if character and know that they weren't all being nice to put a front on. Ace

And to add to that we've just gone for an after work drink and organised a night out next Friday :D

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