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The Happy Thread

Duncy H

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Yeah, I'd agree with that but I meant that this one's further out from the centre and kind of tucked away so it probably won't be quite as knee deep in dipshits. Maybe. I mean it's going to have Ali there for a start, but it depends whether he's like a nucleus for all the other dickbags in Glasgow or not.

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Scooter rats are the reason most indoor skateparks are still in business. They are a bloody big money making machine. Wouldn't be so bad if they weren't all snaking little bastards

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The first bit was hard through finding out what self reliance meant. Then I kind of got a hold on that and employed people - that was and still is a challenge for me. I'd never been in a management role before fifty6, so I've had to learn as I go along and make plenty of mistakes.

Overall, though, I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm impossible to employ, so this was the only option really!

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I'm 30.

This is happy and angry.

Happy birthday! I always thought you were older than me. I was 30 a couple of weeks ago. Still am actually.

In happy news, our mortgage has finally been approved. The house has japanese knotweed issues, pretty hard to get a mortgage it seems. Looking forward to having a garage, been scouting ebay for table saws, band saws, thickness planers, metal forging stuff and all the things I want to do :D

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Postman turned up today with about 8 parcels for me, so I've finally got all the stuff to build an airbrushing area in the garage. I've been pissing about with airbrushed at work as and when I get chance between jobs but now I can sit down and practice properly. Happy man!

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There is a reason for that though; is it all sorted and treated now?

It's in the process of being treated, the seller has paid 1.5k for a 5 year treatment plan, they had it sprayed it in april I think. Now it seems they're waiting for it to flower in aug/sept before hitting it again. But yeah, not going in totally blind, we had it in our garden years ago and it took a couple of years to get rid of. I'll be buying some rosate 36 and an injector I think, there are mixed reports about the best way to get rid of it. I think I'll be an expert in a few years time :D

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Off to see an exhibition of the whole project today, hopefully it's not just a "look what we want to do but we'll never do it" thing and will actually get built.

What's the verdict?

Edit: Japanese knotweed is a pain in the A. Good luck with that.

Edited by Pete.M
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Ordered the last few bits for my mountain bike this afternoon, brake hoses are too short so ordered a new set along with a new saddle. Gone for a Superstar Peak, read some good reviews on it and living where I do it'd be rude not to!

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