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The Happy Thread

Duncy H

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.... I seriously doubt you'll get down to 14, unless you do a lot of running I guess. Your fat will turn to muscle. I have like no fat and I'm 12st on the dot. The only lads I know who are around or under 10st look like f**king sticks haha. Not trying to put you off or anything just being realistic.

Haha, yeah I know, to be honest I'll be stoked if I can get to 13 xD I'm seeing it as an excuse to get out on the bike more. Problem I've got is sticking to meal times, and how much I eat. I eat relatively well, so I'll have healthy shit, but I'll have too much of it :/

This pretty much. I'm around 80kg (12.5 st) and have minimal body fat. I'd aim for 12 stone and to loose the body fat. How tall are you? As both me and Jake are about 6ft ish. I know my friend who's a similar build to me is 10 kg lighter as he's 5 inches shorter.

I think I'm pretty close to 6ft I'm probably around 5ft10 5ft11 ish.

If I can get to 12 I'll be stupidly happy, or even if I can stay at like 13/14 but lose the fat, I wouldn't mind being heavy if I knew it wasn't because of fat :L

10's the goal I've been set, but if I just manage to get my muscle to come through, and lose the fat, then I'm gonna count that as deal met.

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Coming back from Coed y Brenin today back to the hotel and stumbled across the first leg of the UK DH championship at Antur stiniog ! Stood for an hour watching the Athertons, Peaty and some epic youth talent shredding. Saw some dude pull a f**king HUUUUUGE whip to which gave me a slight nudge on.

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Stopping at my dads for most of this week, which is awesome, because I don't usually see him apart from Saturday night and a bit of Sunday morning, and I've not actually seen him in about 2 weeks. So should be good spending Sunday night while Thusday at his :)

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Just got back from doing both sections of the penmachno trail,absolutley epic, if anyone's in north Wales and fancys a good days trail (it's 19mile, but the veiws are epic so take a packed lunch and stop halfway around). Best trail I have ever been on!

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My back is feeling better.

I've managed to fix my phone.

Got a £12 joint of ham from Waitrose for £4.50.

I've re-built my front wheel, i think it's one of the best builds i've done to date; i usually get the offset wrong on the hub and have to re-do it, but i was right this time :D

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Pretty sure I've cracked my Trialtech forks as they've been creaking a while which developed into a loud click when I powered down to Sheffield station on Sunday.

This is a good thing as I now have a good excuse to splash out on a new set of Sport Lite's! :dance:

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So about 10 days ago I'm told there's an exam today. I completely forget until today, I've missed all theory lessons that cover the topic and have done no revision.

I only gone and got a f**king distinction? My teacher doesn't know how I did it, I got a better result than some lads on the course who actually tried to revise.

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It clearly wasn't an English exam.

Well f**k you I still got a distinction and I'm happy with that.

Especially after my teacher had been hassling me to revise, to come into lessons and that if I failed I wouldn't be on good terms with him.

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