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The Angry Thread.


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I literally can't put any of my thoughts on the situation into words. Not just this, but everything that we hear that's going on in the US at the moment. Granted, the small amount we get given through the media is heavily skewed.

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I think we're going to see more and more of this. If you could measure individual happiness in the west I think you'd find it peaked about a decade ago. Unemployment is going up, fuel prices are going up (and will go up more), food prices are going up. People are shafted over employment all the time, banks and insurance companies shaft everyone. Then we have all the spying, the protests, the police shootings, the foreign political stuff, and then the fact that whilst we all seemingly love social networking, loads of people end up feeling worse for it.

What that guy did is despicable and there's no excuse -it was a horrible thing to do and I hope he rots in hell, but I don't have high hopes for the future of life in the US/UK.

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Following on from my "having an awesome time in Australia, time for Uluru!" post, we may have just blown a head gasket/head in the arse end of nowhere :(

Edit - crisis averted (hopefully), split coolant hose.

Edited by Jolfa
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I’m going to talk about my injury again here :P only kind of though. A guy I went to school with is a rower and got badly bruised in a boat collision so will not be able to row for a couple months, and he’s having articles in local papers written and everyone’s writing to him saying how unfortunate it is. I don’t resent that, I just hate that I don’t have a ligament called the crucial ligament but because it was a bike thing people look at you like you’re a stupid five year old who did a jump in your parents garden. And it’s a rowing boat, they don’t move that fast. Why aren’t people making fun of him for being too stupid to not stop instead of crashing into someone.

I had the same thing when I was in America when I was on crutches and people laugh when they find out you’re doing a silly bike trick but it’s a tragedy when the school’s precious little football player twists his ankle and misses a few games. Why are things like throwing a ball to get it over a painted line and rowing to beat someone so glorified? The thing is I do feel bad for the guy because it sucks not getting to do the stuff you love doing, I just hate that how much people feel bad for you is based on the sport.

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4 cereal though, it does suck you're no nearer your knee having its shit together. I've not been able to properly ride for 2~ weeks now and it's massively annoying me, although it does seem to be turning a corner at least. Can't imagine being out for as long as you've been.

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Past few months it's actually been okay. Options came to having another operation with a smaller chance of success then the first time of hope for best so opted for the hope for the best option. It's annoying having to be worried about crawling home but the riding I've been doing's been pretty fun recently so fingers crossed kind of deal.

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Pah, you can ride now? I don't feel so bad about whinging then.

Some sort of groin/sciatic injury going on after a 10k gone wrong a few weeks back. Couldn't walk for about 10 days, since then it's been a constant pain but I've been able to get about at least. Given me an excuse to do some GAINZ work at the gym. That's got very boring though very quick though, because fitness is my thing rather than bulk and strength and whatever. Decided to have a gym based cardio session today – nothing major, just keeping heart rate above a certain level. Cross trainer: Fine. Spin bike: Fine. Rowing: Fine. Decide to have a sneaky 'start walking on the treadmill and turn it up every minute to see where I'm at' session to finish. Got to a whole 8kmph before the pain came back and now I can't walk again. Annoyingly now sports physios are answering their phones either so I'm stuck at least over the weekend.

This sub-3hr marathon in April is not looking likely.

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