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Carphonewarehouse have declined my phone contract order because I have 0 credit score. The reason I have 0 credit score is because I have never needed to take out a loan or use a credit card ! This just takes the piss. I clearly have a good enough income etc to afford a bloody phone contract !!!!!! Surely something like a phone contract is a good place to start a credit score well not according to them :(

What's the best way to rake up a good credit score ?

Edited by Rowlly21
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I aren't so hairy :-

Today I am getting pretty tired of people with zero negotiation skill trying to buy (or not) my GoPros, most want $50 off everything despite me saying in the advert the price is the price, and as soon as you come down a little and/or offer a slightly different package they're not at all interested. That and people texting me all day (starts at around 6:30am and goes on as late as 1am some days) asking if the item is still available, I tell them yes, I never hear from them again...

But the star prize today goes to a guy who wants to pay $20 for a $35 car headunit, and having met in the middle now wants me to deliver it :mellow: Not sure he was expecting the response he got... Not a lot when you put it in English money but it's the difference between 2 or 4 beers! :P

In brighter news since highlighting that I'm not interested in swapping these items, I've not really had any clowns offering me $100 worth of out of date phone/games console for my $400 cameras

"swap 4 a Galaxy S2 worth $500 m8?"

"No, but you could sell your $100 phone for $500 and then you can afford to buy the GoPro!"

I hate people.

Edited by Jolfa
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I was in a phone fixing shop the other day and one guy came in to collect his repairs. He said to the guy, "I don't have any money, so you can just keep one of the two phones as payment". Stolen much?

The problem with alcohol is that most people drink to get drunk rather than drinking to enjoy it.

How else do you enjoy it?

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My first phone contract involved me posting cheques to o2.

Basically, sack carphonewarehouse off and go elsewhere...

Go to a 3 shop. They gives phones to anybody. I've got shocking credit and got an iPhone 5 for £36 a month with unlimited everything

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My first phone contract involved me posting cheques to o2.

Basically, sack carphonewarehouse off and go elsewhere...

I bought my first contract after a year work, while my account was "bouncing" between 50-150 pounds weekly

got it without a problem

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My bearded dragon was put down today. She got dissected afterwards because the vet was puzzled by her condition. I agreed to this without much thought but didn't consider that I wouldn't be able to bury her. In situations like these I start thinking very logically and completely switch off my emotions. The thing that hurts most of all now is that I didn't get any closure as a result. Didn't say goodbye, just left here there. She was with me for 10 years.


Can't bury her so going to plant a tree instead.

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Always sad when you lose a pet :(

For a few weeks now my solomon island tree boa (candoia bibroni australis) has been out of character, listless, lacking muscle tone and generally not moving much when he is normally a very active (at night) tree snake. He is undoubtably pretty old, I have had him for 5 years, the previous owner for 4+ and prior to that he had been captured from the wild as an adult and kept for serveral years - could well be 20+ years old. A couple of weeks ago he regurgetated his mouse (first for him) so I left him be as it knocks them for six at the best of times. He hadn't appeared to move in his tank for at least 4 days so I lifted him out, he didn't respond (no grip or moving/looking around/tongue flicking, also no visible breathing) so I found a suitable cardboard box so I could bury him in the garden. Just as I was about to take him out he flicked his tongue ever so slightly so back into a plastic box he went with fresh newspaper, bowl of water and put on a heatmat for observation.

He's been like this for two weeks now and not moved at all, each time I lift the lid he breathes very, very slowly - it's almost imperceptable. Checked him tonight to give the box a mist with water to keep the humidity up (he's from the south pacific islands) and he's moved completely, turned round and head pointing the other way! Gave him a thorough dousing and he starts drinking from the water settling round his head - this is the most he has moved since going into the box so certainly progress :)

Left him with his head in a jam jar lid of water and zocal-D and perhaps he might pick up again :)

When I got him


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Finally back home.

Got called at 12:30 am this morning to come into work, entire workshop flooded under 7 inches of water due to storm rains. Entire night until 6:30 bailing out water and fixing the shit it's broken. An hours sleep in my car in the yard and then 8-5pm normal work day. 1 hours sleep since 7:00am yesterday. Grumpy

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I have a deep-seated hatred for (most) 'developers', of the programming rather than property variety. Most of them spend so much time getting things to look pretty they completely ignore anything that might actually help a site work in terms of being seen or make sales. I've been fighting with one in particular for 4/5 months now to remove one line of code which is f**king up a lot of what I'm doing, just because they won't let me do it myself.

Prima donna so-and-sos. You're not that special, you're a dying breed (in the traditional sense).

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I have a deep-seated hatred for (most) 'developers', of the programming rather than property variety. Most of them spend so much time getting things to look pretty they completely ignore anything that might actually help a site work in terms of being seen or make sales. I've been fighting with one in particular for 4/5 months now to remove one line of code which is f**king up a lot of what I'm doing, just because they won't let me do it myself.

Prima donna so-and-sos. You're not that special, you're a dying breed (in the traditional sense).

Devs complicate anything, literally anything x10. Drives me insane, and the fact they want to use the "latest technologies" despite them being completely the wrong tool for the job. Not to mention quick hack fixes that arent scalable, the list goes on...

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I have a deep-seated hatred for (most) 'developers', of the programming rather than property variety. Most of them spend so much time getting things to look pretty they completely ignore anything that might actually help a site work in terms of being seen or make sales. I've been fighting with one in particular for 4/5 months now to remove one line of code which is f**king up a lot of what I'm doing, just because they won't let me do it myself.

Prima donna so-and-sos. You're not that special, you're a dying breed (in the traditional sense).

Devs complicate anything, literally anything x10. Drives me insane, and the fact they want to use the "latest technologies" despite them being completely the wrong tool for the job. Not to mention quick hack fixes that arent scalable, the list goes on...

You two have clearly only worked with utterly shit devs then...

If you find good ones, send them my way. We're struggling to find them. :lol:

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You two have clearly only worked with utterly shit devs then...

If you find good ones, send them my way. We're struggling to find them. :lol:

Developer in "missing an important point" shocker ;)

"(most)" is also why you struggle to find the good ones. They're very unusual.

Edited by JD™
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