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Where exactly are you currently based/living?

I am based in Northern Ireland, 30 miles from Belfast

But seriously, don't become one of those "Just goes to the gym" people.

I went to the gym twice for half a year.

It is okay, but after half a year it become boring for me, as I do not want to get ripped, and all I want is to be fit

I will go back to trials, but as the next half a year will be strange, many trips to England, Finland, hopefully Brazil, then move to England... this seems like a good option, if I do not want my bike just gathering dust in my room

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If you were willing to waste your life away in a gym, you should definitely be up for going climbing - it's really fun and will serve the same purpose as going to the gym, just in a way more enjoyable way.

Errmmmm... I've done both for years and came to the exact opposite conclusion. :lol:

Climbing is an outdoor pursuit and is about adventure and pushing your climbing level. It is not all that healthy, it absolutely hammers your joints and can be very dangerous.

Gyms are only for sports, not sure how you see it differently. You go there to get healthy, fit or strong.

Climbing definitely doesn't serve the same purpose as the gym. They're totally separate things in my life, and going to the gym is actually more enjoyable to me. It's closer, it's easier, I've achieved more and it makes me feel better.

Everyone should try everything and just do what they enjoy. I like lifting heavy things at the moment.

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Spacer between bb shell and bb in your case Dave. Sam, you ideally need cranks with more offset (or get handy with the grinder!).

Shaved down an old BB axle spacer to 3mm and put it behind my crank. Still plenty of contact between crank/axle. Couldnt bare taking a grinder to SLs!

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ISIS cranks have a taper on them though so by putting that spacer on the axle you're potentially going to wear the splines out faster as they won't be as tight a fit on there. As the taper is relatively shallow it's not going to be an overnight problem, but in the long run it's not necessarily ideal.

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Yeah I'm aware, I'm considering a different BB as I think the Try all I have is 127.5 or something.

I can't shift spacers around as without the driveside bb spacer the teeth on the freewheel catch the BB Yolk. After a quick look it turns out my left cup had come loose too, so that bit of movement won't have helped matters as it didn't catch initiay. Loc-tited in now.

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Gyms are only for sports, not sure how you see it differently. You go there to get healthy, fit or strong.

It was more his suggestion that going to the gym was "sport", which I don't really see it as being. You're vaguely simulating actual 'sports', but that's about it. Part of the reason I'd want to do something like climbing instead is that it opens more doors for you to expand what you're doing, go other places and do it and so on. If you go and do a load of climbing at an indoor place near where you live, if you enjoy it and start improving you might want to go and check out some cool natural setup or go to some other indoor. If you go to the gym, are you going to think "Man, I bet running on a treadmill in a different windowless room would be f**king awesome too"?

Part of my post that you overlooked was also that I was referring specifically to "gym only" people. You've got that other outlet too so you're doing different stuff, whereas just going to the gym seems like it wouldn't offer anywhere near the same benefits of doing a specific "sport" or "pass time" or however you want to put it.

Part of this might be my judgement being coloured by the tedious shit that all the "gym only" people on my Facebook feed post though I guess (endless posts about their routines, their really exciting looking chicken-based meals, wanky "Gym users are so much better than normal fat c**ts" motivational pictures and so on), although I just don't really get how you can compare picking things up and putting them down again over and over to actually learning a new skill/sport/whatevzm8. I understand the whole chemical side of it in terms of endorphin release and stuff, but to me it seems like a really boxed in way of doing things. Going back to that bit before, where are you going to take going to the gym? To put it in context, this past week I've ridden Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Bristol and Cardiff with a variety of people. If I'd spent my time going to the gym instead of riding then no doubt I'd be well on my way to looking like an upside down triangle (because who gives a shit about leg days? :P) but I wouldn't have had those experiences. I'd just be going to the same place, doing pretty much the same thing.

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that is the reason why I did it only half a year max, as staring at a white wall is not exciting in any ways

At the moment it is the busiest time of my life, thankfully, and if everything goes well, summer will be mental too. I need something that can be done indoors anytime I need to keep a level of fitness. Sadly trials is none of those, and then there is the chance of parts breaking too..

My life changed and I got to change too.

On a side note: I am preparing for an event in May, where it will be decided whether I am in the top 10 electro student in the world, but it means, as someone who started his first electro course 1.5 years ago, all out studying. I am doing it, although I have next to none social life since september, and it really worries me. To be the best you must make some compromises, I just need to hold on till September

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Dude, if there is any climbing halls nearby hit that shit up. If not, go to a gym if there's one nearby and crack on. If you're not sure why you are there then pm me, I'm more than happy to try with some advice and my cousin is a pt and always happy to deal some advice out where needed!

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Dude, if there is any climbing halls nearby hit that shit up. If not, go to a gym if there's one nearby and crack on. If you're not sure why you are there then pm me, I'm more than happy to try with some advice and my cousin is a pt and always happy to deal some advice out where needed!

I will see what happens

Today I calculated my probability for May, to the competition where it will be decided whether I am going to have any freetime in the summer or not, and I realised that I am not up to International level for sure, and there is only a tiny chance to get my programming up.

So I keep the bike. I must do sport, because I started to gain weight and I must stop it before it gets worse

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Still partially rough from too much Dark Fruit Strongbow. Apparently I woke my missus up in the middle of the night, was so smashed I mistook our bedroom window for the toilet and perched myself on the edge whilst I took a piss onto my jeans.....

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It was more his suggestion that going to the gym was "sport", which I don't really see it as being.

I think going to the gym to 'get buff' had relevance about 400 years ago when you might be expected to go to war in a suit of armour, or back when the concept of the 'alpha male' still had relevance (the bronze age?!) and men had to actually fight for females. But mostly these days it just looks like training for the sake of training. Which is fine if you want to train for the sake of training, but I certainly wouldn't call it a sport either.

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I've just passed out for the first time and in the weirdest of circumstances. I made burritos last night and ate way too many of them!
This morning I naturally went on the toilet to relieve some pressure, so I get on and do my business and it was a massive one and it felt like it hit something on the way out like maybe a g-spot? Don't guys have them in there? I started to feel really weird and light headed.
The next thing I know I wake up and everything is sideways i'm thinking what on earth is this??? Things start to come into focus and I can see my bath sideways then I realise i'm on the f**king floor! I look down my body and my kegs are around my ankles, my phone is in hand and my head is killing at the front I must have hit the porcelain sink on the way down!! What the actual f**k!!!
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Hahaha you can't make this stuff up!

I had similar a few years ago, got up really quick, went to toilet then blacked out whilst taking a wizz - hit the sink on the way down, lots of blood and a very painful face.

Although similar, your story is much better. Genuinely LOL'd.

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