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Been unable to test out my new slackline gear due to waiting for more gear to arrive....Other stuff arrived later today so Im happy.


On inspection of my gear I noticed both my new ratchets are bent :'(

Probably gonna have to wait a few more weeks before i can test out this new webbing .

So i bearly ride anymore-Quit fishing after like 17 years because now i feel its quite cruel--So im left with one sport that i really really enjoy and i cant do that at the moment.

All this gear looking at me in the face and i cant go out and rigg it up f**k my life!

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People on snapchat who set their stories to "hmm" with a black background.

If you're having girl problems I don't f**king blame you if that's how you think that's going to resolve anything. Stop being f**king pussies and talk to the girl instead of crying about it on snapchat and looking for attention it makes you look well pathetic.

Edited by dann2707
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Stuck in the library doing a lab report, I'll be here till easily 1am before a walk home in the rain.

It's student/society night tonight, and I really wanted to go out with my house.. but no!

Why do I always leave sh*t to the last minute, and assume by that point I'll know what I'm doing?! This has got to stop before I get completely stuck and miss a deadline :(

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Fell down a rabbit hole this morning running, been on crutches all day. Ankle isn't broken, probably ligament damage.

f**k my life, there's my 6 month marathon goal out the window.

Everybody at the gym found it truly hilarious carrying me around the gym so I could train my upper body.

By no means am I the most dedicated athlete in the world EVARRRR, but since Bethan left me the gym and running has taken up a solid 2 hours of the 5 hours I get "free time" a day. So this is going to be a big setback for me.

Pain is immense. I had to hobble home with a rotted fence post as a crutch. Luckily my mum had some crutches that she bought after surgery which I've been in all day.

I don't think I will ever live down the embarrassment of my mum driving me to the gym and giving my PT her number to call her when he's done with me.

It's an enlightening experience to see how disabled people deal with a lack of mobility though.

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Been needing a new cartridge for my record player, because I'm an avid buyer of independent label vinyl. In-laws have lovingly and thoughtfully bought me one belatedly for my birthday. Awesome.

They're staying the night, and all I have is 'heavy' music. Can't play anything :(

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f**king ligament f**king damage, f**king feet, f**king new f**king running f**king jacket f**king delivered f**king today f**king to f**king rub f**king it f**king in, f**king signed f**king off f**king work, go f**king f**k f**king yourself f**king. f**k.


Doctor has confirmed ligament damage. Today the swelling in my foot has got so bad I had to go home from work early and get an emergency doctors appointment.

I've been signed off work, I'm going to miss handing over loads of cars for the end of the month which is going to cost me £1800+.

Then the postman popped my latest piece of tasteless running kit through my door today. Just to rub it in.


Edited by Pashley26
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Just waiting for the results for an electro technician comp that i put hundreds and hundreds of hours

i should have a chance to be the best in Uk

and i have never been this netvous in my kife

i feel like im going to throw up

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I've been wanting to ride but soon as you get home from work it's freezing and often damp, it really knocks your motivation to ride I think. And falling off hurts way more than in the summer for some reason, the darkness also impairs my judgement on gaps and sidehops etc :(

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To be fair, I don't know how you long-term riders keep going. I think most people get bored after a couple years.

Thats one reason why I stopped riding comps and went more street

I find it's something more common place in trials rather than other areas of cycling. I had an injury in the summer that kept me off my trials bike but allowed me to ride my MTB. In the 3 months off the trials bike but still biking every few days on the MTB I had more fun than I'd had on the little bike for a long time. I don't know if it's to do with the repetitive nature of trials (even with street) or riding the same spots but I've found the appeal waining a lot. Now I'm content to have a few hours on the bike now and again rather than looking forward to the weekend for a full days riding throughout the week. I think unless you're a young kid/or idiot it can also get frustrating riding street and having to dodge people, wait for security guards to move on and so on...you can often feel like a nuisance. I find when I'm on the MTB i've got the mountains to do what I want and not piss anyone off.

I've also found the adrenaline from trying to fly down a trail or ride something really steep and make it out the other side gives a buzz trials can often lack. Trials now feels so slow paced even if you ride in a street manner than it can be frustrating. Little wheels that don't pick up pace and light gearing to me now feels really awkward and slow...to the point I'd almost consider more traditional street riding over a trials bike.

Riding fast with flow and smooth is what does if for me now. Maybe try and switch up your riding a bit?

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I found with trials I held myself back a lot, it was a mental thing. If I'd pushed harder and commited to it abit more I think I'd have been a lot better but as it was I reached my limit and then I found it massively repetitive. With MTB riding I'm a lot more commited and feel a lot more confident on the bike. I dunno if its an age thing, when I was about 15/16 I didn't really think 'if I fall off that I'll be off work...' Etc. Might just be me and my tiny bollocks thou.

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