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The Angry Thread.


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Haha yeah those bikes were pretty trick. Don't even have a bike anymore, will do sooner or later though. Although probably nothing flash.

And yeah mike I know, morrisons have boshed their prices up and I don't fancy the 5 mile trip to asda haha!

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A mate agreed to seeing me today around midday, I gave him a text, rung him and he's not returned anything. I see a snapchat of him with another mate of mine having a laugh.

I usually wouldn't mind but it's my birthday and it's really f**ked me off. Left me doing nothing but looking after the dog all day with my sister, ugh he's gonna get the cold shoulder at my party tonight if he even shows up.

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Ignore the scabby toe nail...


This hurts so bloody much. Knife just fell off the draining board (pro stacking, Jenny) and landed point down, it's only flicked a tiny bit of skin out but it's stinging so much.



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One thing that always makes me laugh about those videos is that the cyclists are always so civilised about it! "Excuse me young sir, but your lane was blocked, and it was my right of way."

I always expect more smashing doors in screaming "WHO GIVES A F**K ABOUT RIGHT OF WAY YOU TWAT?! YOU TRIED TO F**KING KILL ME!".

I think I might buy my Dad a helmet cam for Christmas, the results would be comical. He's turned round and sprinted uphill on a tandem with me on before just to chase after some douchebag. :D

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To be fair, there was loads of room. The car driver was a douche to use the horn in the first place, and then for reversing down the road like a twat. Ultimately they could have both carried on without ever noticing each other. I know I certainly don't give way for cyclists in the same situation, because there's no need.

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See how tight the car went to the parked car at the beginning to avoid hitting the cyclist? Clearly not enough room there. Fair enough you don't give way in similar situations, but I don't believe at all that you would push through there. I think the wide angle lens makes it look like there was more room than there was as well.

I was always taught to leave enough room when passing parked cars so that someone could open a door and not hit you, in that video the car was less than 2 feet away.

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See how tight the car went to the parked car at the beginning to avoid hitting the cyclist? Clearly not enough room there. Fair enough you don't give way in similar situations, but I don't believe at all that you would push through there. I think the wide angle lens makes it look like there was more room than there was as well.

I was always taught to leave enough room when passing parked cars so that someone could open a door and not hit you, in that video the car was less than 2 feet away.

2 feet is a shit load of room, and any cyclist uncomfortable with someone using their spatial awareness shouldn't be riding anyway. For the record, I feel the same about other drivers.
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I was on a private bus in Bristol City Centre last week when the driver overtook a guy on a bike. The driver sat behind him for a while, then passed him when it was safe, giving him loads of room. The cyclist started waving his arms and shouting. The bus stopped at the lights and I already knew what was going to happen. The cyclist had a go-pro strapped to his £10 Tesco helmet, came right up to the drivers window, shouting, "you nearly ran me over there! I have it all on camera you know, I can have you arrested bla bla". He was a right geeky looking cu*t, greasy hair and milk bottle glasses. Made me ashamed to be a cyclist.

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2 feet is a shit load of room, and any cyclist uncomfortable with someone using their spatial awareness shouldn't be riding anyway. For the record, I feel the same about other drivers.

Is it f**k! 2 feet is not enough space for a door to open, or a child to run out, or to extend your view between the cars. I've had a child run out on me and doors open more than once, and if I'd been 2 feet away I think I'd have hit them. Definitely would have run the kid over. As it was, I'm nearly always 4-6 feet away, and managed to swerve to avoid the kid and don't really have to swerve to avoid doors opening.

Simply not going to change my mind on this, I've had too many close calls and managed to avoid them all through keeping my distance from people.

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Is it f**k! 2 feet is not enough space for a door to open, or a child to run out, or to extend your view between the cars. I've had a child run out on me and doors open more than once, and if I'd been 2 feet away I think I'd have hit them. Definitely would have run the kid over. As it was, I'm nearly always 4-6 feet away, and managed to swerve to avoid the kid and don't really have to swerve to avoid doors opening.

Simply not going to change my mind on this, I've had too many close calls and managed to avoid them all through keeping my distance from people.

I'm not asking you to change your mind, because logic and reason can't be taught...

Spending your entire life giving TOO MUCH room, just in case some f**king idiot opens their door or a child that hasn't been educated about the road properly runs out, is not an adequate way of living life in my opinion. I say be efficient, go for the gap, get where you're going. Deal with the consequences if some idiot happens to ruin their own life by not looking before opening a door or crossing a road.

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I guess this just comes from learning to ride bikes, but for me avoiding crashes at all costs is more important than making progress. I'll just filter past you all anyway at the next set of lights. :P

A 20mph impact with an open door in a car would result in a scratched bumper, whereas on a bike it can result in broken bones. Same with hitting a child, if a car hit's a kid at 20mph they'll generally walk away, whereas if they are hit by a motorbike they generally get run over and break many things.

Problem with the whole "child that hasn't been educated" bit is that young children are daft and hard to teach things. WHen the kid darted out on me he was about 2/3 years old and it looked like he'd managed to dart away from his Mum at the wrong moment. The only solution there would be to keep him on a lead, which isn't very nice really...

Edited by Muel
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I guess this just comes from learning to ride bikes, but for me avoiding crashes at all costs is more important than making progress. I'll just filter past you all anyway at the next set of lights. :P

A 20mph impact with an open door in a car would result in a scratched bumper, whereas on a bike it can result in broken bones. Same with hitting a child, if a car hit's a kid at 20mph they'll generally walk away, whereas if they are hit by a motorbike they generally get run over and break many things.

When did motorbikes come into this? Of course there's a different set of rules there – you have the engine, without the same level of protection. It's exactly why I don't ride bikes, I'm aware enough of myself to know that I wouldn't be able to resist going for the gaps and I'd end up on my back. I suppose my point boils down to the completely unachievable wish that everyone just stopped blaming everyone else for their own stupidity and took some responsibility for opening a car door or walking onto a piece of tarmac inhabited by 1ton+ lumps of metal travelling with velocity.

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2 feet is a shit load of room, and any cyclist uncomfortable with someone using their spatial awareness shouldn't be riding anyway. For the record, I feel the same about other drivers.

do you actually cycle on roads regularly? 2ft is f**king grim if the car is moving with some pace it can pull you out and generally f**k with your shit.

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