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The Angry Thread.


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Really? I don't think I believe either of you. :lol:

EDIT: Oh, wait you've not Dan Cox are you. Please all change your avatars back, it's really quite gay...

Edited by Muel
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Seller better have sent my bike for delivery tomorrow as discussed. Messaged him but no reply.

Nope he hasn't.

Text him yesterday asking if it would definitely be delivered today as it's my day off work and I'm the only person in waiting for the delivery. Get a text this morning saying courier company didn't pick it up yesterday even though his girlfriend waited in for pickup. Unlikely they didn't turn up so I ask for copy of pickup confirmation. None apparently apart from the bank statement they charged him for the pickup. Doesn't check out to me instantly that a courier company doesn't send any sort of confirmation but would charge his bank account for it. I ask when is he sending it out for then, he replies today for delivery tomorrow. What courier company delivers Saturday that doesn't charge premium?? He says it was this company for original pickup, I'll just call it BCC, abbreviated.

So I google BCC, only one matching result. Send seller the link which he confirmed. I call BCC. Courier company owner answers. I ask if they did Saturday delivers, and any extra cost. No extra cost but would cost about £200 for same day delivery as that's what the courier specialises in, same day delivery for important emergency stuff. I explain my situation to owner that they didn't pick up my bike from seller and no confirmation apart from bank statement. Owner calls BULLSHIT, they always send an email confirmation of pickup and wouldn't have gone through with the pickup for a £350 bike at ~£200 delivery.

Owner even ask for sellers name as pickup requests go through him, no record of seller or a push bike pickup request to my location. Owner even ask for sellers number cos he really was NOT HAPPY that seller was essentially degrading his company and wanted to talk to seller on the phone. I didn't give over the number but I've texted the seller calling him out on his bullshit lies.

No reply yet. He's a TF member, not mentioning who yet, saving him from embarrassment for now.

Edited by weirdoku
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