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The Angry Thread.


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Totally normal, and pretty much always has been. When they brought the curfew in we used it as an excuse to have all night pool parties (since it's like 25 degrees even at night) because nobody could get a taxi home. Seriously, there was no bother at all, no panic, no trouble. Actually it was a week before I even saw any army guys. Given the BBC coverage you'd think there were columns of tanks rolling down the main highways, but it just wasn't like that. Of course it's easier being a foreigner, but these guys are Buddhist. It's not like if you were in Mali or somewhere like that.

As with so many things in life, the view from the outside of something can be misleading. Things often appear harder/more dangerous/difficult than they actually are.

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Yeah, it seemed like a relatively benign takeover so I assumed it wouldn't have been too hectic in terms of there being a big crackdown on foreigners or anything like that. Still sounds kind of wild having your freedom curtailed that much, but I guess if you've got loads of other shit going on then it's all good really. People still had a good time while prohibition was going on in America :P

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If you're the same age as George, that's the same age I was when I got the ball rolling that - for better or worse - got me where I am now. At 18 I didn't really know what I wanted to do, I just liked playing bass and riding. When I had to work out what I wanted to do for uni (only way out of Mid Wales) I initially looked into doing a music degree but bottled that. Remembered I enjoyed photography, so had a gap year then did a photography degree in London 'cos I knew the riding was good there. It just kind of went from there really. If you have something you enjoy doing then just go for that rather than settling for some generic, tame shit. If you like it you'll put more effort in, and if you keep that up then you can pretty much do whatever.

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I'm 33 this year, have a 6 year old lad, a wonderful bird and my own house with a shed full of bikes. Life is so much better now I've grown up a bit and Sussed out what life is about. Yeah some stuff may be boring and same old but it's give and take

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Feel like everyone is ignoring me and doesn't care about me anymore. Only one of my mates makes contact with me and wants to see me/go out riding or something but everyone else don't make contact with me. I have to start the conversation or message my other friends first to have a chat, but I don't really want to talk to them that much at the moment because it seems all they do when I see/talk to them is they take the piss out of me or whatever. Don't really have any contact with girls either so I've resorted to tinder and im not as lucky as dann is on their either so i just feel shit all the time. Shitting it about my A2 results too as i'm scared I haven't got the grades I need to go to uni as well. So to sum up im pretty much on a downer atm :/

Edited by trialsbikingnunn
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Why have you put yourself on tinder? Are you that fussed about finding a girl matt?

You need to put yourself out there more with girls and talk to them, be more adventurous with them. I know it's hard to be confident but girls dig a guy who's a dick so don't be a nice guy.

Also no one ignores you Matt

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Why have you put yourself on tinder? Are you that fussed about finding a girl matt?

You need to put yourself out there more with girls and talk to them, be more adventurous with them. I know it's hard to be confident but girls dig a guy who's a dick so don't be a nice guy.

Also no one ignores you Matt

Do not listen to this what so ever.

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