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The Angry Thread.


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after having a beautiful 2 days (= 1 day straight: horrible sleep, it was like half awake, half fever dream, while violently throwing up, even a cup of water, second day just general "Why am I alive" day) I think I am alive. but yeah, I am weak, tired, cannot eat properly. awesome

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Probably going to ramble about not getting to ride trials, again. Avid readers of this thread will get a strong sense of deja vu.

In terms of angry, was at a stupid work barbecue today which is definitely something I didn't want to go to but when they make it during work hours it's unavoidable, although one guy on my floor decided it was and apparently sat on a chair, computer off, doing literally nothing instead of going down stairs for a few hours. My dad's done this thing where he jokes about me having an annoying body in front of people which I really hate. Last time it ended with my doing a sarcastic laugh and saying 'yea you're sons misery, that's a good one' and walking off which left left the people we were with feeling appropriately uncomfortable. Basically I still have what I consider to be this massive threat of never getting to ride trials properly again looming over me all the time and doing a job that allows me to think, without any real distractions, all day it grates on me like I'm a tender piece of matured cheddar. Simile. I'm assuming it comes down to acceptance but I've just spend half an hour looking at the bikes on Tarty again. Plus there's this annoying irony that I can finally afford to get a new bike that I want after the past six years of settling for the best I could do second hand but now I can't ride. I'm so tempted just to get the bike I want right now. My tax rebate I got this weekend could cover it with left over and that was money I wasn't planning on having so really know harm done there, right? But a grand on something I'll potentially never use to reasonable potential is unnecessary but at the same time I'm thinking the bike represents future potential (English literature comin' atcha) in my mind and you can't put a price on optimism or just the idea there's something to look forward to. Overthinking ahoy, though on that note I had told my favourite friend I met in America that my Ashton was a physical manifestation of my soul and that's been locked to the outside of a shed over there for the past ten months having to withstand all the rain and blizzards they got this winter. My Pro II's had a terrible year. So that leaves me soulless. Metaphors.

Unrelated, I still really hate the woman I sit next to. When she was talking today I thought that if she died and the manager came in and told us I would have to probably leave to hide my grinning face. That's real hatred right there. And I finally understand what guys mean when they say someone has crazy eyes. Eye contact with her is unsettling in a way horror movies have never made me feel, probably because I know she's not fictitious. Those crazy eyes are real and looking at something right now.

Also I'm bored.

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However my doctor is an absolute babesaurus-rex.

NewPipetm demands pictures.

Angry because my right lat is f**king killing me, it has been hurting for a while, but it finally let off a week or so ago, but i'm right back to sqaure one again :(

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Just had a stark realisation that my a fair chunk of my life revolves around social media! Facebook is currently down and i just tried to go onto facebook to ask if anyone elses facebook was down.... Derp.


There is a reason why i deleted mine, and after a month i realised that i have more time a day and i did nothing productive or social there..

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On other notes

Celebrated this school year with a pizza and beer and now im in a pub with a cider, pack of cigars and some C programming paper and coursework, alone

it is shit to be an introvert sometimes

Edited by HippY
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A real introvert wouldn't say that though :P

You know, i do like being alone, with my music, but times like these reminds me that i am not involved in many things, thay i can be only involved now, like having parties, nowing girls, give someone a call and hang out

Instead i go to pubs to study as social activitiy and i have not done any proper friday or Saturday partying for a good while

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Age is just a number mate. I'm 22 and do the same shit I did at 17 if not more, like I go out more than what I did. It's one thing I do not take for granted, being at the age where people respect you more and you can do what you want.

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Just feel like every day I wake up I wished I hadn't, every year I get older I spend more and more time depressed. And now i've finally reached a stage in my life where I have to start taking things seriously if I want to have a decent quality of life, and i'm scared of what's to come :(

Like, I don't know what to be or how to get it.

I just want to feel happy like I did when I was 15

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Just feel like every day I wake up I wished I hadn't, every year I get older I spend more and more time depressed. And now i've finally reached a stage in my life where I have to start taking things seriously if I want to have a decent quality of life, and i'm scared of what's to come :(

Like, I don't know what to be or how to get it.

I just want to feel happy like I did when I was 15

Pretty much how I felt. It gets better, but I'm probably not the best person to tell you haha x

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Just feel like every day I wake up I wished I hadn't, every year I get older I spend more and more time depressed. And now i've finally reached a stage in my life where I have to start taking things seriously if I want to have a decent quality of life, and i'm scared of what's to come :(

Like, I don't know what to be or how to get it.

I just want to feel happy like I did when I was 15

Honestly, I love being 18+ (nearly 20 here)

I have responsibilities. I mean come on, I count, I must do something I am important!

I know it is easier to do nothing, but yeah, it feels to be a part of the real world, not just having fun around, but really, be a part of it

and then there are the good things. Driving cars, while blasting some Parkway Drive, go to a pub , grab a beer, study in the pub, meanwhile look at cute girls

parties, if they ask if you are over 18 you are just like yeah, let me in

No more request of parent permission. Wonderful

growing up does not suck. it lets you have more pricey and bigger toys, while being someone who matters

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You kind of don't have to "take things seriously" though, that's the thing. If you just kind of don't give a f**k about how other people do stuff you can make it your own way. As a completely random example, look at stand up comedians - there are quite a lot of professional stand ups who you won't have heard of, but who do enough gigs that they don't have to work a 'real' job and have a sustainable lifestyle. The concept of going up on a stage in front of a room full of strangers and trying to win them over and make them laugh, and doing that in such a way that you can do a bunch of gigs a week and have money to live on, is totally at odds to the usual "Get a 9-5, get a pension plan, get a blah blah blah" life people lead but it works for a lot of people out there. Then you get more entrepreneurial people who find a skill they have then make money from it (e.g. I've got a friend who set up a mobile bike repair service because he found there was a lot of people who rode to work in his area and couldn't/wouldn't take their bikes to a "proper" shop due to time constraints, so travels around fixing bikes and lives off that). I know another person who decided to learn to weld, and now runs a really successful frame building company and does loads of cool bespoke fabrication projects for people.

If you've got something you give a shit about, now's a pretty good time to work out the different routes you could take then just try them out. You don't have a mortgage you've got to pay off, I assume you won't have a load of debts you need to pay off monthly and all that kind of shit so you're at a pretty good time to try stuff and see what happens. If it shits the bed you can just try something else and it won't really be the end of the world.

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Ha ha, compared to now being 18 was rubbish. I did 4 years of uni and then got 7 years into a post-degree 'career' before I threw it all away, and now I make far more money, pay far less tax, date hotter girls, live in a country of my choosing and generally swan around the world doing what the f'ck I like. Looking back, 18 was just about drinking, trying to work out how the hell girls think and having no money. If someone had told me then what I'd be doing over a decade later, I'd never have believed them for a moment. And, actually, in the end all you have to do to make it happen is believe...

You have got a lot of time, Dr Stix, before you have to worry about growing up. By my reckoning you have approximately 22 years before you need to seriously consider anything like 'settling down'.

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