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The Angry Thread.


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My body : "ey up Dan, I know you've got a super important job interview tomorrow that could quite dramatically change your life, where you live and your career so as good luck I'm gonna give you a f**king horrendous illness that makes you incredibly groggy and tired and essentially make you feel like shit the night before. Good luck mate "


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I have 1 month to be one of the best (if not THE) in the UK, with small amount of materials.

I try everything I can do, but probably I will not succed

No money, no freetime, no ride, no girlfriend. I will have a "lovely" June.

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Currently feeling like a complete and utter shitcunt. TL:DR version only.

Girlfriends pissing me off day in and day out

Considering ending it but I am happy with her

Don't end it

She invites herself out with me and my mates

Kicks off because she went out and we didn't pick her up

She was out with her friend


She starts argument

She breaks up with me to prove some kind of point (apparently because she only drinks she isn't cool enough for me)

Instead it hits a switch

No longer want to be with her but take her back because feelings and shit you'kno?

Fast forward to Monday

It's our two years

Don't eat all day so I can buy her a card because I'm -£60 and literally have no money

Card isnt good enough, she kicks off again

Breaks up with me

I'm not taking her back this time, she's randomly turned up twice now, kicking off, then crying, then normal repeat etc

Told her I'm stupidly busy with decorating so don't come round

5 missed calls and a voicemail telling me I'm a coward, go do drugs and die, I'm dead to her etc

Keeps sending me soppy texts and not leaving me the f**k alone

SO. Believe it or not thats the f**king TL:DR version, I feel like a genuine fanny, I don't want to give her hope but I don't just want to completely shut her out because I still care that she's upset. I really don't know what to do now :/

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Currently feeling like a complete and utter shitcunt. TL:DR version only.

Girlfriends pissing me off day in and day out

Considering ending it but I am happy with her

Don't end it

She invites herself out with me and my mates

Kicks off because she went out and we didn't pick her up

She was out with her friend


She starts argument

She breaks up with me to prove some kind of point (apparently because she only drinks she isn't cool enough for me)

Instead it hits a switch

No longer want to be with her but take her back because feelings and shit you'kno?

Fast forward to Monday

It's our two years

Don't eat all day so I can buy her a card because I'm -£60 and literally have no money

Card isnt good enough, she kicks off again

Breaks up with me

I'm not taking her back this time, she's randomly turned up twice now, kicking off, then crying, then normal repeat etc

Told her I'm stupidly busy with decorating so don't come round

5 missed calls and a voicemail telling me I'm a coward, go do drugs and die, I'm dead to her etc

Keeps sending me soppy texts and not leaving me the f**k alone

SO. Believe it or not thats the f**king TL:DR version, I feel like a genuine fanny, I don't want to give her hope but I don't just want to completely shut her out because I still care that she's upset. I really don't know what to do now :/

Sounds like she's got a screw loose, cut her out of it mate, ain't worth it. X

Go do drugs and die? Don't you just smoke pot? Xxx

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Sounds like she's got a screw loose, cut her out of it mate, ain't worth it. X

Go do drugs and die? Don't you just smoke pot? Xxx

I'm trying to cut her loose but I don't like being a complete arsehole and hate upsetting people. Yeah I only smoke up nowadays and I've cut it down a hell of a lot

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Currently feeling like a complete and utter shitcunt. TL:DR version only.

Girlfriends pissing me off day in and day out

Considering ending it but I am happy with her

Don't end it

She invites herself out with me and my mates

Kicks off because she went out and we didn't pick her up

She was out with her friend


She starts argument

She breaks up with me to prove some kind of point (apparently because she only drinks she isn't cool enough for me)

Instead it hits a switch

No longer want to be with her but take her back because feelings and shit you'kno?

Fast forward to Monday

It's our two years

Don't eat all day so I can buy her a card because I'm -£60 and literally have no money

Card isnt good enough, she kicks off again

Breaks up with me

I'm not taking her back this time, she's randomly turned up twice now, kicking off, then crying, then normal repeat etc

Told her I'm stupidly busy with decorating so don't come round

5 missed calls and a voicemail telling me I'm a coward, go do drugs and die, I'm dead to her etc

Keeps sending me soppy texts and not leaving me the f**k alone

SO. Believe it or not thats the f**king TL:DR version, I feel like a genuine fanny, I don't want to give her hope but I don't just want to completely shut her out because I still care that she's upset. I really don't know what to do now :/

Don't take the shit, pie her off. It'll only make you miserable

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At a girlfriends mates house, surrounded by people getting stoned/pissed. Pretty shit as I don't do weed and I've nothing to drink and no off license near by.

Beer fest when I get back into Barton for sure, bored shitless here.

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At a girlfriends mates house, surrounded by people getting stoned/pissed. Pretty shit as I don't do weed and I've nothing to drink and no off license near by.

Beer fest when I get back into Barton for sure, bored shitless here.

I've just ordered tea, and am midway through emptying the fridge. In peace and quiet. Waiting for the TT at 9pm. Prob should be in the happy thread

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I've just ordered tea, and am midway through emptying the fridge. In peace and quiet. Waiting for the TT at 9pm. Prob should be in the happy thread

Could do with a fridge to empty myself mate

Plan to fill myself with real Ale shortly when I'm back, can't wait.

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I'm in a f**king shit mood. It's all first world problems, but that doesn't make me any less f**ked off.

Sheryl dropped her iPhone so I spent ages taking it apart, we ordered a new screen and I managed to break it when installing it earlier so I've had to order another. Then our new washing machine has managed to shrink all my f**king clothes, so I went on a little "Add to basket" spree on Amazon, the checkout crashed and wiped out all my choices. Not a huge issue, but I was browsing for f**king ages to find ones I actually like because I'm a fussy b*****d.

f**k you.

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I'm in a f**king shit mood. It's all first world problems, but that doesn't make me any less f**ked off.

Sheryl dropped her iPhone so I spent ages taking it apart, we ordered a new screen and I managed to break it when installing it earlier so I've had to order another. Then our new washing machine has managed to shrink all my f**king clothes, so I went on a little "Add to basket" spree on Amazon, the checkout crashed and wiped out all my choices. Not a huge issue, but I was browsing for f**king ages to find ones I actually like because I'm a fussy b*****d.

f**k you.

Iphone screen change should be a quick job, as it has large screws, what model do you have and do you have experience in repairing them?

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There are no large screw in iphones, i've lost those little f**kers before!

My missus has broke hers 5 times now.. I could do one in my sleep :/

Easy enough to f**k up replacing one though, fiddley little twats

if your in.. 2014-06-03-00-00-39-1106934592_zps3a6a19

iPod touch or iPod nano has small screws. They are as small as if you try to grab them and you clipped your fingernails freshly, they will still disappear. I fixed some 3GS and their screws are not huge, that correct, but iPods made some nights for me when I was with a powerful lamp, on my knees looking for the screw. When I thought I found it, it turned out to be a small screw.

Be careful with tweezers as they are good tools to grab screws if you are not careful enough you will realise that they are good tools to shoot them into another dimension.

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