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The Angry Thread.


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House/flat prices in Chelmsford have shot through the roof. I can't stand living in this house share for too much longer as my landlord is a bit of a cock, but i can't afford to move as he's got the lowest prices in town. Stressing me out.... Really wish i could afford to get a place for just me and the missus, but it's too damned expensive.


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Nuts in the SE isn't it... My parents bought my childhood home in Crystal Palace about 30 years ago, the people who were renting from them paid more in rent in a year than it cost to buy outright 30 years ago. Just sold it, £500k for a 2.5 bed house :blink:

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Windows 8 can go and die.

Been using a brand new laptop for about an hour with it on and I already want to drop kick it out the window. My 4 year old laptop was way faster than this. Windows 8 is so crappy, slow and laid out by a dolphin high on crack.

Edited by Joe O'Connor
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There's a scene in The Office where David Brent's on a blind date and when he sees the woman turns to the camera and says 'for f*cks sake', which was almost exactly my reaction when I saw the girls a friend of mine invited to come out with us earlier. I no longer trust his judgement as regards anything, although he almost made up for it when he texted me saying 'I really did think that at least one of them wasn't going to look like this'.

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Shallow b*****d.

On a raging subject, my sister offered to have our boys this afternoon and has really f**ked me off. She rang yesterday to say she's got Cartoon HD and Apple TV so she was just gonna let them pick whatever they want to watch as The Lego Movie was on there. I specifically told her not to show them it as I was gonna save it for when we went on holiday to watch if there was a wet, miserable day and keep teeling her not to buy them loads of stuff. Last thing I said to her when she picked them up was don't just let them sit in front of the telly all afternoon and I just got off the phone to my wife who's said they've come home with a shedload of magazines and toys and ended up watching The Lego Movie on Cartoon HD and my sister was moaning she's knackered!

f**king does my b*****d head in, why offer to have them if she's tired and blatantly disregard everything I asked her.

To top it off, my wife was upstairs trying to put our baby daughter in bed and instead of helping to calm the boys down and get them ready for bed my sister is sat winding them up then f**ked off home leaving my missus on her own to deal with it all.

F**king fuming.

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Usual crock of shit to be honest Dave; missus is f**king loopy and needs her head looking at, this house is vile, i've got a tonne of work on so not been out much bar yesterday, haven't seen any of my housemates in about a week as they're either never here or are completely reclusive and act surprised to find you in the corridor. Yes Chelsea this is where I live you f**king wand. Just a bit lonely I guess, spend way too much time on my own at the moment.

Edited by Skoze
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You sound just like me the other week, and I can understand the loopy missus bit as mine is properly losing the plot currently and I'm struggling to help her see the light. Is there any outlook of getting a day or even a morning/afternoon off to relax and do something you enjoy? I was majorly cracking up then managed a few days with just a couple of hours on my bike and it totally cleared my head.

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Yeah, luckily it's all over uni-wise this week so I should be able to get on with the more fun stuff a bit more, but then I need to head back home and hunt for a job. She's doing my nut at the moment, we had an argument today because I liked a poster she didn't. She is genuinely mental.

Text my best mate about 3 asking if we could go pub as I could really use it, no reply. Cheers mate.

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Not just yet, i'll chase it up this week I think. Might even try and get over to their place for a week or something, getting out 'togging with them would be good fun.

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What the f**k is the point in booking time off work if they're gonna put you on anyway, I really could do with today to rest but no.

They've put me on for tonight, tomorrow and f**king Friday. On a half term AND kids have just finished year 11.


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Usual crock of shit to be honest Dave; missus is f**king loopy and needs her head looking at, this house is vile, i've got a tonne of work on so not been out much bar yesterday, haven't seen any of my housemates in about a week as they're either never here or are completely reclusive and act surprised to find you in the corridor. Yes Chelsea this is where I live you f**king wand. Just a bit lonely I guess, spend way too much time on my own at the moment.

If I lived in Brighton I'd be up for beers 'n' shit dude. The Mrs Skoze situation is indeed a shitter, not sure what to say really, Sheryl's mum is struggling too so I know how you feel - it's a tough one.

In my "Angry" news, I was sat here at 7:20am wondering where the hell the weekend went and my car is broken. Again. I want to sell it and buy a Cupra, but nobody will buy it in it's current state.

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