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The Angry Thread.


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my bb never stays tight. my bb tool isn't long enough to clear over my axle either :(

bb tool does fit :S i thought i'd just try and make it work. so i'm good... i don't fancy filing down the axle jake, plus i don't have the means too in my flat :(

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Filing your BB axle? Possibly the worst bodge I've ever heard of being done to a bicycle. :lol:

Just file the hole in the tool bigger, or even better just get it turned bigger (on a lathe).

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i don't have tools like that. but my bb tool is up to the task of nipping up my current set up so its cool. i'm back in the angry thread because i wanted to raw my stem, i did so, but i took out the threads in it while doing so :( recon it's re-tappable?

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Either all my scales are f**ked or there's something really wrong with my body weight. I used to weigh 75kg back in my riding days and had no fat. Recently I weighed around 70kg, had a little bit of fat (probably 1cm on my stomach) and have since been working out intensively. Muscles grew quite a lot, fat disappeared and now I weigh 68kg. I'm scared.

Of the good things cold/flu/whatever is finally starting to clear and the missus has a free weekend after all so we're going to a motorsport competition together.

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Dads away on holiday and the man he had to drive the lorry when he's away made a balls of it. Broke the spring, air chamber holder, and 4-way circuit protection valve. Luckily we have a old one in the yard for spares but trying to work on 18 year old lorry's is a bitch. Finding out info for it on classical haulage websites!

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I remember a few weeks before me and Ex split she was signing up to something somewhere and required an email address about "multiple offers" she told me that she was put under the spot and used my f**king email address not hers and they now constantly spam me with shit despite me unsubscribing from it a million times oover!! ARRRGGGGHHHH

What a cock

I have seen this screen TOO many times, it just wont unsubscribe me http://i.imgur.com/R8zXN6R.png

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Staring down the barrel of either a hefty repair bill for my car or having to buy a new one, and in the same week my rent is due. This is on the back of what's been a relatively lean month up until now. Would quite like to go for a "f**k this" ride, but there are apparently 50mph gusts going on at the moment and it keeps raining. Also found out a family member's got some pretty rare (yet fortunately reasonably treatable) disease that's been causing pretty big issues for around 12 years now, but has only just been correctly diagnosed.

The only thing that's really been keeping me from just f**king everything off and investing my last bit of money in some plane tickets the f**k out of here have been the Bill Burr Monday Morning podcasts. If you can listen to music or whatever when you're in work/driving/ignoring other people, listen to some of that shit.

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There is no realisation thread and it won't go in the happy thread as thats weird but.....

At one point someone might look back at all of these posts in say, 80 years when we're all dead and they'll be reading a dead guys comment etc. How weird is thatttttt

If someone reads this in the future and i'm dead, eyyy up!

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