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The Angry Thread.


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Watching your own riding video from 6 years ago and concluding you can't repeat a single move sucks :(

As much as I'm going to try and match that riding this year I get the silly feeling there isn't enough time. Riding over here sucks, it gets really cold in November and if you're lucky it gets warm again late March. So every year you go through the process of reminding yourself how to ride, then progressing a bit, maintaining that level and then bam! snow.

Time to make an indoor spot

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My levels of pissed off are infinite.

This will seem like I am being a massively spoilt brat, but nothing is further from the truth.

It's my birthday tomorrow. I f**king hate birthdays. No interest in them AT ALL. I find the whole thing hugely unnerving, and people making a fuss over me just antagonises me and makes me very uncomfortable.

I have always been like it, for the last 23 years. I don't like birthdays.

Last night my best mate drove all the way from Plymouth to come out with me for Saturday night, had a great night. Haven't seen him for ages. He stayed at my mums with me, because it just so happens that my girlfriend is in Wales seeing her family this weekend so I decided to stay at home for a couple of days.

Went into town for breakfast this morning, mum, stepdad, Joe and I. Say having breakfast and my dad rings me, asking me what I was doing tomorrow and saying he was going to an auto jumble miles away and do I want to go with him. f**k yeah I do. So I told him to pick me up at 9, my mum starts going bat shit in the background saying "no no no, 9 at night. You aren't going out with your dad all day tomorrow!" so I told her "I will do what I want mother, I have nothing planned and I want to go out with Dad." Told him to meet me at 9.

Mum starts making a massive fuss in front of my best mate in the bar we were having breakfast in. Basically she has organised this massive family gathering for my birthday and I "have" to go.

I'm not f**king going.

So I have been super apprehensive all day and really f**ked off because mother and I have fallen out over this surprise party bullshit. I have told my dad not to pick me up and I won't be seeing him at all. I have spent all day in a total f**king pissy because of my mother and not enjoyed my mate coming to see me at all.

Just walked through the door and she is there like everything is normal, and it f**king well isn't.

So I told her she has really annoyed me, she has nigh on ruined my weekend and also my birthday and that was she f**king surprised that I moved 200 miles away for 5 years and now I only come home once a week to collect the mail.

So I am going to go home and sit in the living room and read my book all day on my birthday, if my family can't just pop by and say hello without organising a ridiculous f**king party I shan't see any of them.

Retards the lot of them.

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Before I reply with anything further, are you diagnosed with aspergers or autism? I only ask because I'm fairly far on down the autism scale but that reply seems like a very extreme case...

Edited by Muel
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Forgot that it was bank holiday today and treated it like my usual Sundays (stay up late reading/watching TV) only to lay in on Monday which is one of my days off college.

Then find out at around midnight there's loads going on, bit miffed really. Ah well, money saved and I won't be hungover to ride dh with my Dad who's also got the day off tomorrow :).

Matt you're not really f**ked up at all, you're a lot smarter and more creative than a fair few people I know. Probably down to you thinking about stuff more maybe and using ways to express yourself differently? I think you cope quite well regarding your situation, so kudos for that.

Edited by Jake.
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My eternal dilemma is tartydays/trials-forum. We spend countless hours on this forum,giving advice,taking the piss out of each other etc. Now on occasion a disagreement starts where someone will try to be the "alpha-poster" with having no open mind regarding others opinions. Come tartydays everyone's friends but as soon as half of them get home the slating begins. This forum drags me down something terrible,the place is riddled with keyboard warriors then face to face...nothing. People shy away from confrontation. Some of the members on here don't realise that hidden behind a monitor a keyboard becomes a weapon. A hurtful one from things I've seen in the past.

It's not the forum I used to enjoy logging into. I've even got to the point that even though I've got good mates going to tartydays,this bitching and general forum abuse is actually making me want to vanish off here and not be at tartydays. It's a shame.

I think some people on here forget that they once knew nothing about trials then further on you'd think they were world champs in some aspect of trials.

I hope some of you have felt like this before.

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Or alternatively don't take things to heart so much?

What thread are you even talking about?

How anyone could be so sensitive to a few comments on here is beyond me, especially if it's not direct abuse as in "next time I see you you're going down" sort of stuff but harmless posts, what the f**k?

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My eternal dilemma is tartydays/trials-forum. We spend countless hours on this forum,giving advice,taking the piss out of each other etc. Now on occasion a disagreement starts where someone will try to be the "alpha-poster" with having no open mind regarding others opinions. Come tartydays everyone's friends but as soon as half of them get home the slating begins. This forum drags me down something terrible,the place is riddled with keyboard warriors then face to face...nothing. People shy away from confrontation. Some of the members on here don't realise that hidden behind a monitor a keyboard becomes a weapon. A hurtful one from things I've seen in the past.

It's not the forum I used to enjoy logging into. I've even got to the point that even though I've got good mates going to tartydays,this bitching and general forum abuse is actually making me want to vanish off here and not be at tartydays. It's a shame.

I think some people on here forget that they once knew nothing about trials then further on you'd think they were world champs in some aspect of trials.

I hope some of you have felt like this before.

Don't take it so seriously :)

I've definitely been accused in the past of saying nothing to someone's face after we'd had a problem on here – it's only because I don't have a clue who they are 'in real life'. Plus, those people are also generally less annoying in person too. Just enjoy the fact that there's less problems in person, and don't take what's said on the internet too seriously (Y)

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pretty annoyed at having no father figure.

only recently come to realize how much having a dysfunctional family has f**ked me up

dude, how old are you, 18?

Life is long, and there is a possibility ( a pretty big one) that you still have several years to find out what a man/father means to you, and how you can be one/better one

I know what you are talking about, but do not stop and thinks about it is bad for you, go on and do what it takes to correct it!

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When I first joined the forum everyone hated me lol, well I thought they did because I didn't understand people's sense of humour.

Now I've been on it for a while and have a decent general knowledge of the sport I've looked at my old threads and found myself laughing along with the comments I thought were hateful towards me haha, just don't take anything serious. Sometimes things go a bit too far but people rarely carry it through to real life. I'm quite blunt and to the point so people usually think I'm being rude when I'm actually not trying to come across that way at all.

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When I first joined the forum everyone hated me lol

We still do ;)

Nah but it's true, you have to have the right forum mentality when reading other people's posts.

I have a few riding friends who think "everyone on trials-forum are dicks" because they've seen a sarcastic reply and it's understandable if you go on thinking you're going to get a serious reply. I'm a massive dickhead for that with replying to some threads with stupid remarks but imo it's all for a laugh and if you can't take the banter or stick then you're on the wrong forum imo. If anyone knows me or has been riding with me in person they'll know that i'm not the most serious person in the world. (apart from talking about bumalls... that shit is majorly f**king serious)

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Normal is an average so I couldn't do that..

although I could show you more people with a better family situation than a worse situation in comparison you fEEl

grass is always greener dude... you have no clue the life I've led!

Sure you're using the right bit? I've always preferred torx bits, more contact area to use. Try the next smaller or larger ones, sometimes they can be deceptive...

was just about to say they have twice the contact area.
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