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The Angry Thread.


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Try having rectum cancer, always beeing sore after operation, using medications against pain, loosing drivers licence because i crash my m3 on medication and without having paid Insurance, ending up loosing my handyman job i had for last 7 years and big house cause i could not pay :) No point in beeing angry ;)

Be well! Peace :)

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Holy f**king shit. Out of nowhere Oculus VR just sold out to facebook.

That's certainly one way to spit in the face of those of us who backed the rift on kickstarter. Time to cancel my DK2 preorder I think.

I wonder if John Carmack will stick around.

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Noooooooo fecking way.
All i can hope that Mr Palmer wont let Zuckerberg f"ck up ocolus.....

Edit: After I read after, my fears come true..

Socializing for Ocolus. My biggest problem with that is Ocolus meant to be a good VR, but now, it will be loaded with social features probably that much, that you will need Facebook for... everything.

Edited by UKHippY
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People spreading stuff, trying to make you believe and not be a "sheep", even though if you're then brainwashed into "knowing" you're still a sheep, just following a different herd. Comments like the following on YouTube are SO ridiculous:

"Proof 1: type in the adres bar "itanimulli com", thats illuminati backwards, youll be directed to the National Security Agency site

2: there are a dozen of conspiracys for example the moonlanding, death of MJ, 9/11.... look them up, interesting stuff
3: music artist often refer to illuminati, you probably know 2pac, he created Killuminati, a movement against illuminati, and guess what happend to 2pac then (2pac is possibly still alive but thats another theory)
4: the illuminati wants to brainwash people so they always make wack artists famous, artists like Hopsin, Tech N9ne, SwizZz,... are being held down, bcuz those rappers expose illuminati in their songs\
And theres a lot more stuff

their religion is satanism
About jesus, i have witnessed myself miracles and i have a strong believe, im an orthodox christian and i have survived unsurvivable stuff and i need to thank god cuz doctors told me it was impossible to survive what i had, you have to believe and after doing the right stuff and believing, god will prove himself to you
btw everybody you see that is from illuminati is just a puppet, theres an elite we dont know about that control those puppets
look up documentarys about this, youll be shocked bout what you dont learn in school"

The illuminati are getting "wack artists" famous? Seriously?

I could pick apart that whole comment, but it's too ridiculous to even bother. This has to be a joke, or bored troll, surely?

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