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The Angry Thread.


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That made me twist my head to one side :(

as per usual, completly lost on this one......


Edited by forteh
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After two months of waiting for an MRI appointment I finally get the letter today saying it's for this Tuesday, Tuesday being the second day of my new job. Now I'm stuck between having to ask for a whole sick day because it's a two hour journey each way for my second day of the job or potentially having to wait a more weeks for an MRI.

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After two months of waiting for an MRI appointment I finally get the letter today saying it's for this Tuesday, Tuesday being the second day of my new job. Now I'm stuck between having to ask for a whole sick day because it's a two hour journey each way for my second day of the job or potentially having to wait a more weeks for an MRI.

It's not like you're asking for a day off without a good reason, talk to your boss and explain how you don't want to ask for it off and how badly timed it is. But ultimately the MRI is likely to do much more good than a single day off work will do bad (Y)

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When I wrote that out I told myself I'd go with the consensus, so I'm going to see her Thursday. Cheers guys :)

Just an update, I went and it was fine. No sudden realisation that she's my 'Nan' or anything, but hopefully brought an old lady some peace. She died last night, and my Dad was there, so I'm glad they managed to patch up a little in the final days. Cheers for the advice as always TF - I'd probably have made the wrong decision left to my own devices.
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It antagonises (sp) me when I see people write sentences on Facebook missing words out because of our Yorkshire dialect!

Someone just put "need to win lottery" half way through a sentence, I know exactly how they'd say it it'd be "need to wint lottery" but completely omitting that word when typing it out really pisses me off.

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Josh Barkers use of his keyboard on Facebook winds me up also. Fair enough he may have a bit of an accent but typing out "reyt, reet or rayt" in place of "right" or "alright" to accentuate his sentences isn't needed. Surely schools don't teach literacy based on your geographical location/accent haha

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Just had a chat with mrs Skoze and I think we've realised our plans for the next few years are completely different. Bit annoying.

About if you need a chat and are still down saaaarf mate :)

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What, the Yorkshire accent?

The Yorkshire accent, and people from Yorkshire, are typically the bane of my existence wherever I am :P But nah, I was specifically referring to the omission of "To" in a load of sentences. Same deal Mike was talking about and Dan agreeing with.

The absolute worst shit is people typing "Am" instead of "I'm", or "A" instead of "I". Spelling words in the same mangled, f**ked way they come out of your mouth doesn't make it OK.

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Hostels. Hostels is still what's making me angry.

We had a pair of Eastern European girls move into the other 2 beds in the room yesterday. Having looked around they immediately woke us up chatting loud as f**k and playing the same mediocre European pop/R&B track on loop on their phone for over an hour. They've moved the entire contents of Boots into the en suite and decided hanging their rubbish bags on our towels and leaving cosmetic products on top of our tooth brushes was cool. They then got ready to go out which basically entailed putting so much perfume and hair product on that you could literally taste it in the air despite leaving the extractor on and the room door open for over an hour.

They then returned at 3am, and seemed to think that the bathroom was some kind of sound proofed room (whether the door was open or not), so constant whispering and knocking on the door to let the other in, then full volume giggly drunk girl recap of the night for 20 minutes before finally going to bed.... Then snoring like f**k.

And I thought the Japanese girl with too many limbs, or the French guy who couldn't work the keycard system and just knocked every time, or the Swedish guy who talked in his sleep were bad :mellow:

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The Yorkshire accent, and people from Yorkshire, are typically the bane of my existence wherever I am :P But nah, I was specifically referring to the omission of "To" in a load of sentences. Same deal Mike was talking about and Dan agreeing with.

The absolute worst shit is people typing "Am" instead of "I'm", or "A" instead of "I". Spelling words in the same mangled, f**ked way they come out of your mouth doesn't make it OK.

Am goin tesco, comin?

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The Yorkshire accent, and people from Yorkshire, are typically the bane of my existence wherever I am :P

Coming from the Welsh guy who doesn't even have a Welsh accent. :P

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