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Because my mum like literally owns Fleet high street.

She'll probably go in there tomorrow and rip him a new one.

It's just illogical, f**k their policy, f**k them in the bum. I'm going to go there every day for the rest of my life and buy alcohol with my pissing driving license and make a big fuss about it. Every day.

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Having been in the cashier's position, you're the worst kind of customer :P

Obviously it's annoying for you but you're asking someone to risk their job, there really are people going around to make sure that stores do this. When I did it over in America the law in NY is ID everyone, so I had to refuse to let a woman buy wine who was in a wheelchair with an oxygen tank so at least we have it a bit better over here.

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Martin was well with his rights to uphold the challenge 25 rule. Also, your petty little mystery shopper quip would have held no weight. If it was a real mystery shop, the instant you mentioned the fact, that assignment is null and void.

I deal with people that challenge the challenge 25 policy day in day out, if i serve someone without ID and they turn out to be trading standards I, not the premesis, get fined (also the premesis get fined).


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No, he wasn't.

Challenge 25 is just a mechanism to make people think twice. I am quite clearly the most over 18 person in the world, Martin is a fanny who needs to learn to use his brain and employ people who have one.

Not a single employee in that shop thought I was not 18, so why the f**k would they continue down this challenge 25 bollocks. When they were all in agreement that I was well over 18?

Edited by Pashley26
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You're not above the law. As a company, bound by legislation, they have to challenge anybody they believe looks under 25. You ARE under 25 and failed to produce ID. I don't see you think you're in the right? As employee's of the company, it isn't worth risking their job(s) just because you want a beer with your dinner.

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But if they all agree I am clearly over 18, what does a not legal requirement company policy have to do with me buying beer.

It just seems that you don't understand the very established and widely acknowledged policy. I will agree with you that it is a bit of a stupid one but most people understand Challenge 25, so your point about being 32 without photo ID is a moot point. Chances are they won't mistake you for someone under 25 then.

They thoughts you looked under 25, you don't have ID, the transaction ends there. It is the employee that will get in to trouble so some guy on minimum wage isn't going to risk potentially his job for your light beer.

I think everyone here has probably fallen victim to it, but it sounds as though you acted like a complete ponce about it. It's annoying, but it's the way it is, when you failed to produce ID you could have just chosen to leave then and go to Sainsburys rather than try and pull rank (and fail) on a supermarket employee.

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This is autistic jardo logic we're dealing with, with an autistic step daughter I fully understand where he's coming from. Well either that or he's being an arse because he wants to be :D

Edited by forteh
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When I worked in pubs I would have been find £2,000 and the pub would have also been fined up to £10,000 for serving someone under age.

Worth covering your arse, even if you think they might be over 18. Annoying to be on the receiving end, I'll give you that.

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as much as i hate to agree with Jardo, i've been in the same situation. I got i'd for alcohol, and the woman serving me point blankly said : 'i know your over 18, but because you look under 25, ill have to see some id'

i mean, i always carry my driving license with me for id, but for someone to say they know im over the legal age to buy alcohol, but still id me because i dont look 7 years older than the legal age is a bit of a piss take!

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Throttle grip-related anger issues. Not aided by my bike falling over just now when I tried re-sticking my grips down with spray paint, thus taking a core sample of my garden that nestled into the gap between bar and grip, creating an unpleasant tacky spray paint/mud/grass combo.

I want to break things.

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