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The Angry Thread.


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Feel like a bit of a dick but in a good way sort of? I dunno. Basically my girlfriends Aunt broke her springs on her Saxo last week, along with a shocker by going over a speed bump. She then got charged nearish £300 for them to be replaced which to me is an absolute rip off as springs are so f**king cheap and I could have done it for her for free, if I'd have known - It would have been a nice christmas gesture and I would have loved to help her.

I told her that I could have basically saved her so much money if she'd have asked. She knows that i'm car literate but probably just didn't realise that I was an option (literally no ones fault). I just feel bad because as I told her this she completely welled up and began to almost cry and said that she spent her recent savings on getting it fixed :( I just felt so helpless argghhhh oh well at least she knows now!

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  On 12/21/2013 at 1:31 AM, trialsiain said:

My friends all have girlriends = no-one out at weekend's

I hate guys like this, I do it more in the winter because riding's a bit turd. But in the summer my girlfriend understands I need to ride.

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  On 12/25/2013 at 6:25 PM, dann2707 said:

What's up buddy?

Just feel pretty down about most things.

I'm over in Ireland at the moment for Christmas, but I really cant be bothered with it all this year.

All part of growing up, I'm older now and the novelty of it has all gone.

I've only come because mum had paid for the ticket and it wasn't refundable.

I'd much rather be at home making the most of my time off work and seeing my girlfriend and doing things I want to be doing.

All a bit bah humbug I know, but I cant help feeling like I want to be there and its just put me in a shit mood.

Feel almost ill when I'm not with her, as cringe worthy as it sounds.

Roll on Sunday when Im home and with her for the week.

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