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The Angry Thread.


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Yeah I got one Thursday :(

The car park I always go to when I pick up my girlfriend from the train station is free after 6pm however they've sneakily changed the rules where you have to pay up to 11pm now. They must have made a killing from that sudden alteration without making it blindingly obvious. I laughed at her when she went 'you've got a ticket' and got in the car thinking she was playing a joke on me :( ha

You feel so Shit after you see it on your windscreen too as there's nothing you can do. There goes another £25 I don't have.

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It was my mum's car actually, I'm a named driver. Was dropping my friend who sold me a car back home. There was no real damage somehow. I looked at my friend to see what he was saying as I didn't quite hear him (I'm deaf) and a sharp corner turned up, hit the brakes, turned left, car understeered.

In a way I was very lucky, as I'd very narrowly missed a parked car.

Still pissed though, as the car I'd bought needs work doing and I'm going to have to wait longer to afford to get it back on the road now.

Edited by JMCD
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Coffee machine at work has shit the bed, just got a call from the manager saying not to come in until its fixed (context: I work at Costa Coffee). Normally i'd be happy about this, but i need the money! Also, Haven't heard from a guy i'm supposed to be buying a motorbike off since friday, hope he hasn't changed his mind/sold it to someone else.


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More sad than angry, but I feel the need to vent...

Someone who 3 or 4 years ago I'd have called my best mate just unfriended me on Facebook. Now that might sound trivial, but we've been drifting apart for a few years and he's been making less and less effort. Last weekend we went back to Hastings to catch up with mates and he made no effort (Along with a few others).

When I got back to Bristol I posted a status basically saying that people that made no effort were shit - just a way of putting my point across without getting shitty individually really.

I get home from work to find he's unfriended me, which if you ignore Facebook crap, basically means he can't be arsed any more full stop.

I miss the days of riding together, DJ'ing, going on road trips, clubbing...

I don't really know what my point is, life goes on, shit happens etc, it's just a bit shit :(

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I've got 2 mates who are sorta doing that the mo. Whenever I see them we always have a mint time, but seems such an effort to meet.

Went for a quick ride tonight and rolled the ankle pretty badly, should be fine in the morning

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I've done the same with quite a few friends, I sound like the person who deleted you! But I've really found who are true friends and who I want to keep in touch with compared to school friends who are okayyyyy but turned into quite big druggies and the conversation quality is just pretty much shit.

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Unbelievable internet connection at home and no USB sticks to hand there either means it's going to take around 10 hours to upload a video to Vimeo today. Fingers crossed my connection actually works for the whole day...

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Basically... My mate inherited some stuff off his uncle, but we found out it wasn't legit, one of which was a ring. So we have had to travel to understand the reasons behind the issues with it. Ended up having a bit of a gay relationship with my bezzie and lost contact with the other two lads in our group, took the ring to Mordor and had to chuck it in a f**king big fire.

Edited by Fishy
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