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Tyre Rubbing On Frame

trials hoe

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right, so i just put my new chain on and the tyre rubs on the end of the top tube (the tube ends at an angle, quite why this is i don't know but its how they're made) i didn't have this issue with the last chain i had on, i'm guessing this was because of the chain stretch over time/use. it also isn't helped by the tyre has the usual high and low points of a 'hand made tyre' so it only rubs on a small section of it.

guess what i'm getting at is, will the chain stretch and sort the rubbage?

also has anyone else had the same issue? and sorted it without cutting the tyre/filing the frame as i'd rather not do that?

i hate the sound of things that shouldn't be making noise, makes my bike sound like rigged up piece of shit :(

cheers in advance guys.

i'll stick a pic up if the above makes no sense.

Edited by trials hoe
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How much is it rubbing like, how old is the tyre/tread on the tyre, will it go down in a short enough time to stop rubbing, if not some way of stretching the chain without time and damage is the only thing I can say.

like 7 spokes worth of the circumference if that makes sense haha and the tyre is like brand new, it would clear if i chopped the knobs down a few mm but i'd rather not.

Yeah chain will stretch. Will only take a few gaps / hard pedals to start some movement - Ride it as much as you can and check to see if you can move the wheel back at all.

was what iwas was think would be the best approach, put up with the noise for a short while and give it some right leg beef, then watch for the chain tension getting a tad slacker adjust accordingly 'till the noise goes away.

cheers guys :)

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This might sound obvious but make sure you are tensioning the chain at the slackest point. Adjust the snail cams so that the chain is as tight as possible and then spin the cranks, if there is a slack point in the chain you may be able to adjust the snailcams one click further therefore pulling the wheel back more. It's not ideal riding with the tyre rubbing on the frame I know it would annoy the f**k out of me even though it would only take a couple of rides for the chain to stretch.

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This might sound obvious but make sure you are tensioning the chain at the slackest point. Adjust the snail cams so that the chain is as tight as possible and then spin the cranks, if there is a slack point in the chain you may be able to adjust the snailcams one click further therefore pulling the wheel back more. It's not ideal riding with the tyre rubbing on the frame I know it would annoy the f**k out of me even though it would only take a couple of rides for the chain to stretch.

yeah i'm running the chain as tight as i dare (want to avoid causing any unnecessary wear on the chain and fw bearings) the frame has the echo integrated bolts rather than snail cams gives finer adjustment which is cool. and you're not wrong about the sound, it sounds like a pending disaster for such a relatively insignificant thing haha.

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How new is the tyre? I've had this quite a lot with my echo frame, and one ride sorted it out..

its literally a ride old (a ride in the damp with no grip :giggle: )

the chain will stretch after a short ride, id rather cut the tyre or file the frame down (dependant on how much is needed to take away) then let the tyre rub on my bike..

filing the frame down seems a bit extreme to fix this one, i'd rather cut the tyre down a bit. i might try letting the air out of the tyre and have a go at getting it seated more concentric on the rim before i start butchering stuff

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its literally a ride old (a ride in the damp with no grip :giggle: )

filing the frame down seems a bit extreme to fix this one, i'd rather cut the tyre down a bit. i might try letting the air out of the tyre and have a go at getting it seated more concentric on the rim before i start butchering stuff

Then ride it, it'll wear down.

My mate has cut the tail off his echo, was fine.

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