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A French In Edinburgh (NEW, a few questions at the bottom of the page)


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Hi everybody, I started this new topic to meet riders in Edinburgh.

I'm French and if nothing changes I'll be living a year in Edimburg to study.
And I'll bring my bike of course.

So, is there any rider to ride with ?

thanks for reading,


Edited by tigriss
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Hi Ronan,

There are a few riders in Edinburgh. Mix of street and comp riders. There are quite a few over in East Lothian (just outside Edinburgh) near Haddington. We have a barn for the long winter nights and a lot of good comp areas along the coast and a small outdoor trials park. My number and em address are on the Bike trial federation website under the clubs section, as I organise the Scottish comps. Please get in touch and get out with the team.


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As Kevin has said there are some good facilites for comp style riders out at Haddington.

For street riding there are a few (3/4 'streety' 24" + 1 'compy' 26") riders who live in Edinburgh and go out riding occasionally, mainly weekends and evenings.

Glasgow also has some great potential for riding too and is a short train journey away.

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There's a few more riders in Glasgow and the train is only £12 return (under €15) from Edinburgh so it'd be worth your while to get the most out of your stay and to ride with as many people as possible.

There does seem to be a trend starting for big group rides in Scotland which'll hopefully continue so there's bound to be one or two going on whilst you're over - again well worth making the effort for to seem some cool riding going down.

Here's something achingly dull to break up your day: Your town is twinned with my home town.

Edited by Matthew62
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There should always be some one to help get you to the events. I have a van and Rab (Edinburgh comp rider) has a van. There was a French rider in 2010 at Uni here who came to the comps and the rides. He did complain about the temp and the rain alot!!! We will get you sorted when you arrive.

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It's really nice to have welcoming riders like you ! (wish it was the same in France ...)

If there are more riders In Glasgow, i'll go in Glasgow to meet them !

For the weather, my family is from the north of the France (Britain) which is said to be the most rainy part of France. So it's not a problem ;)

  On 11/28/2012 at 3:15 PM, Matthew62 said:

Here's something achingly dull to break up your day: Your town is twinned with my home town.

which town are you speaking about ? my French one ?

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  On 11/28/2012 at 3:15 PM, Matthew62 said:

Here's something achingly dull to break up your day: Your town is twinned with my home town.

You're right that was dull ;)

What are you studing at uni anyway, and what sort of riding interests you?

I'm guessing you're more of a 'comp style' rider?

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  On 11/29/2012 at 9:22 AM, tigriss said:

Poitiers is a very boring city, there is nothing to do on the evening and there is nothing interesting to visit ...

I think i'll leave Poitiers too and France maybe :-

Well then it seems fair that they're twinned. Northampton is exactly how you described Poitiers. I left any have moved about since and never regretted it - I reckon you're going to enjoy your time in Edinburgh!

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  On 11/29/2012 at 10:37 AM, AndrewEH1 said:

You're right that was dull ;)

What are you studing at uni anyway, and what sort of riding interests you?

I'm guessing you're more of a 'comp style' rider?

i'm studying electronics and electrical engineering

And I am as interested in street as in comp' style riding.

  On 11/29/2012 at 11:47 AM, Matthew62 said:

Well then it seems fair that they're twinned. Northampton is exactly how you described Poitiers. I left any have moved about since and never regretted it - I reckon you're going to enjoy your time in Edinburgh!

I really hope to enjoy my time in Edinburgh ! It would be very sad to go abroad to do nothing ...

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  On 11/29/2012 at 9:28 PM, Ross McArthur said:


Those aren't sweets in Kevs pocket.

And Mathew, the big Scottish street rides have been going for ages, you're just new to the scene :P

Yeah that was a stupid thing to say looking back actually...... anyway, it's just nice to tag along! :cheers:

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  On 11/29/2012 at 7:21 AM, kevind said:

There was a French rider in 2010 at Uni here who came to the comps and the rides. He did complain about the temp and the rain alot!!!

Haha, I'll just leave this here then...


Hope you guys are doing well!

Weather seems better down here but there's fewer spots and riders...

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

hi guys ! A few news !

I'm accepted in Heriot-Watt university !! I'm now searching for somewhere to live. The problem is that I have a lot of questions before coming ! someone could help me ?

so my questions are:

- is there any place to avoid living in ?

- how much does the food cost ? what to you spend in a month to eat ? (approximatively)

- Is there something specifical to the place/country that a French has to know before coming ?

I'm also searching for a room/flat to live in. But it's difficult to find something in Edinburgh staying in France. So first question is:

- is someone searching for a roommate/flatmate ?

- if nobody needs a roommate/flatmate, is there a generous person that would harbor me for 2/3 weeks just the time to find a flat ? (i'll pay food, water ...)

Thank you for your answers !

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Hi Tigriss.

Welcome to Scotland nearly!

Most of Edinburgh is ok except a few areas on the outskirts but generally there is no where to rent in these areas. My Niece is at Heriot Watt so I will ask her how to go about looking for accomodation.

Food? I am sure it will be the same as France and you will learn where to shop as some supermarkets are cheaper than others and Macdonalds is the Macdonalds!

Max, the French rider that was here before seem to have no problems adapting to Scotland, we are a friendly race. The midges in the summer, but wont bother you in Edinburgh and the Haggis are coming in to live in towns as there natural habitat is being destroyed by wind farms. They are ok but if you corner one then they have been know to badly attack people. People from Glasgow can be a bit strange and you wont understand a lot of what they say even if your English is very good!!

I will ask around re flat mates and or somewhere to crash when you get here. Can you not get into the Uni halls of residence in your first year? I live out in the country so cant really help, but I did do Electronics and Electrical Engineering. Any idea when you are arriving?

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Hi, thanks for your help !

my course starts on the 16 of september. So I thought I could come in august after the 15th. I looked to go to live in the Uni halls of residence but they're really expensive ! So i thought it would be better sharing a flat with someone.

Anymore i think it would be a great experience to live with an english speaking person. we could share each other customs from our countries

furthermore, I would be really happy to speak with your niece to know a bit more about the university and place.

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And I already have a girlfriend so there is no problem.

I just wanna know more about this place before coming. I just don't want to arrive in Edinburgh without anywhere to live or being completly lost.

Anymore I've been told that it's more expensive to live in UK. And the money is an important point.

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