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An Old Quote About Man And Fighting


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RSQ is dead and buried so I'll have to make a whole topic.

What's the quote (and where's it from) about man, where you take away his guns and he will fight with his fists, take away his fists and he will kick, take away his legs and he will bite, take away his teeth and he will simply stare hate into his enemies until the air is thick with it.

Something like that, I can't remember it, but it's a really powerful quote. It might be from 1984 but I can't remember the words well enough for google to work.

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I made a mess of the sentence and left out the question mark, but the question is, 'where is this quote from, and who wrote it?'

It's not that, Dave. It is very close to what I wrote but I can't remember it exactly. It might not be 1984, it could be someone worlds away but it reminds me of 1984.

I have another question too actually, which is about a short story in an English test I remember from years ago about some dude who was getting in touch with an army general about a device that would cause everything metal to rust uncontrollably, which in a roundabout manner would be the end to modern war. He didn't get much of a response from the general so in the end he set it going. I want to know if anyone recognises it and could give me an author or title or something.

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  • 4 months later...

Ha, actually I found out. That short story in the English test from years ago is called 'A Piece of Wood' by Ray Bradbury, and funnily enough, so is the quote -

"But after that," the sergeant said. "After they realized it was true, that every nation was disarmed and there was nothing more to fear, if we were all clean to start over fresh and new, what then?"
"They'd rearm as swiftly as possible."
"What if they could be stopped?"
"Then they'd beat each other with their fists. If it got down to that. Huge armies of men with boxing gloves of steel spikes would gather at the national borders. And if you took the gloves away they'd use their fingernails and feet. And if you cut their legs off they'd spit on each other. And if you cut off their tongues and stopped their mouths with corks they'd fill the atmosphere so full of hate that mosquitoes would drop to the ground and birds would fall dead from telephone wires."

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