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Christmas Present Ideas!

Sam Nichols

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I suffered the same problems with endless Christmas worries of what to by the missus.

I have found the solution, and it's so obvious because it makes birthdays, Christmas and special occasions so freakin' easy!

Buy her a Pandora bracelet, they aren't terribly cheap but it's a first class ticket to an undercover surprise on Xmas morning, and whenever your stuck for ideas in the future, you can buy her a new charm and make up some bullsh*t as to why that particular charm meant so much.


a photo album of your time together ? sexy lingerie ? duck in a box ?

Why would she want a duck?

Edited by Luke Dunstan
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Obviously not demanding.

She's obviously a bit odd, women love Pandora.

That's quite some generalisation, however I fear you're probably not wrong. I do get it i'm just pleased my gal t'aint in to that sort of thing. I've sure bought her some jewellery over the years, it's usually just a bit (in the nicest possible way) a bit better.... I know cost ain't everything but I can happily say I've never bought my girl sterling silver ;)

It's more the idea of Pandora stuff that I don't like - just seems a bit bullshit but everyone likes different stuff, and it's not like I have to wear it, I was just putting it out there as it might not be a safe bet for all girls (knowing nothing of Sams GF).

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I've got mine a necklace with a small heart on the end, it's quite cute even if I say so myself haha. She wanted something petite (nothing chavvy and in your face) that she could wear all the time that came from me. And would go with mostly anything.

We both chose it together but this is it, wasn't expensive too which is a bonus.


Need more ideas though for other little things so will be watching this thread !

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That's quite some generalisation, however I fear you're probably not wrong. I do get it i'm just pleased my gal t'aint in to that sort of thing. I've sure bought her some jewellery over the years, it's usually just a bit (in the nicest possible way) a bit better.... I know cost ain't everything but I can happily say I've never bought my girl sterling silver ;)

It's more the idea of Pandora stuff that I don't like - just seems a bit bullshit but everyone likes different stuff, and it's not like I have to wear it, I was just putting it out there as it might not be a safe bet for all girls (knowing nothing of Sams GF).

I'm slightly lucky she doesn't have expensive tastes! It shows in her choice of mate!


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