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So unless there's only like 2 people playing this game, the likelihood of getting to the prize is close to none? Can't see the appeal of this to be honest.

But from a different standpoint, it seems like a really clever concept. Would the final message be something along the lines of "you have no life?"


Worth a watch, it's mentioned in the article.

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It's mass multiplayer, so everyone is chipping away at the same cube. You can only do one layer at a time. You get bonus coins if you are the last one to clear a layer which you can buy powerups with. You also get coins for dozens of other reasons.

I think the concept is amazing.

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they were expecting around 10,000 players, however it has exploded into the 100,000's and all the servers died.

They have opened up a paypal to ask for donations to get it running again.

So unless there's only like 2 people playing this game, the likelihood of getting to the prize is close to none? Can't see the appeal of this to be honest.

The appeal is similar to that of the lottery. also it's free so it's not like you have anything to lose.

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If they are appealing for money the prize is unlikely to be money then, unless they intentionally done it to make some sort of prize fund?

It's been said in the link I posted that the prize is not a large sum of cash, nor is it a joke video.

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I deleted it. The prize may not be a joke, but the reliability is.

oh snap he went there!

I think the issue lies that they weren't expecting it to get as big as it has and now everything's shit the bed. I read that the guy behind it has made lots of unkept promises so i'm not really surprised.

I think with the yogscast making a video on it, it got very popular because of this.

EDIT:just read that they're updating it tomorrow to solve the server crashes *apparently*

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Try deleting it and reinstalling it.





Lol, some poor girl wrote her name so I changed it. Where it says 'shit is poop' someone wrote 'hi lucy' and I changed it.

I'd argue that there isn't time to come up with intellectual humour and execute it so I just went with this.

I've got another one but it's more graphic so I'm leaving it out.

Edited by Revolver
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