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Agreed and it does not take long to touch someones nerve on here.

People who give it big licks on here and daren't say jack all or dont dare make eye contact on ride or at an event is one thing that really annoys me big time.

Either way i have a bike i ride.

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It's easier for people to be knob like on the internet because the relative repercussions, compared to 'reality', aren't the same.

Although I agree that there's often bullying, bitching, etc. I doubt you're going to effect much change by complaining yourself. The best method of influencing people is by taking a positive lead that impresses upon them. Basically just work on yourself, keep your own shit in check and that inevitably has a positive effect on changing other people as well.

There is a lot of positive stuff on here though so there's no way of reducing the whole character to the more negative aspects.

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I vaguely remember you wondered why you aren't a senior member.

Not really, I was more pointing out that "senior" in this forums case doesn't mean "senior", it means "superior". The senior members are upgraded to that status because they're clever, and can offer informed advice/opinions to the admins about making decisions about how the forum is run. I'd be a terrible candidate for that role, although I have been on here for 6 years I tend to be too brazen when it comes to addressing issues, and I've always been biased towards serving existing members rather than attracting new ones.

Anyway, stop being gay.

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