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Spacing Out A Tensioner


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ordered a kmcz510HX, but have realised it's too wide to be ran with my trialtech sport tensioner, but tarty say that it's possible fi you add another two washers.

I have some spare rear mechs kicking about from old shitty bikes and wondered if the washers off of one of these would work?

Cheers x

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I have spaced out mechs and tensioners loads of times in the past to allow for a bigger chain. If you have 4 of the same size washers you should place them either side of the 2 jockey wheels and run a longer bolt through each.

I have used the inner spacer that sits between links from an old chain loads of times. There are loads of ways of going about it. The only other possibility is to change to lower thickness chain.

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Or it could put you in severe debt?

People make mistakes, they get spotted and sorted out and the world keeps turning.

Do you spend your every living moment in fear of the slightest thing going wrong? Perhaps that sandwich you bought has slightly less than the advertised mayonnaise? Probably not, because clearly you must be some kind of perfect human that's never cocked anything up... :rolleyes:

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People make mistakes, they get spotted and sorted out and the world keeps turning.

Do you spend your every living moment in fear of the slightest thing going wrong? Perhaps that sandwich you bought has slightly less than the advertised mayonnaise? Probably not, because clearly you must be some kind of perfect human that's never cocked anything up... :rolleyes:

Aww, cute

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