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National Lottery


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Thought the forum could do with some discussion....

So, the national lottery, often call the Tax on Stupidity; ever play it, ever won anything significant, do you agree with it, do you disagree if so why?

For myself, I rarely play - I might get a scratch card occasionally and I may have a lucky dip out of boredom but I don't understand how people can play it religiously every other day, normally spending a fortune on it.

I've never won anything, maybe £10 on a card and I don't think I ever bothered cashing that in the end. Although I have a friend who won £100 on a card, that's the largest card win I personally know of.

However, I hate it when I hear someone talking about a mid-expensive car and they mutter the words "Yeah, If I won the lottery". I find it awful that people see the national lottery as the only way to make money in the World.

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Not so much a tax for stupid people but it is a tax for dreamers.

The National Lottery fund tonnes of good causes, so it's all good in my eyes, I can't see any faults with it myself? People want to throw money at it in the hope for a brighter future and a lot of people benefit from it - win.

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There's a family who live in my town who won the lottery and they moved into a pretty massive house and bought a new car with it. They didn't seem to go really over the top with the money since neither of the parents jobs would be able to afford what they do have (or at least I'm assuming). Seems to work for a few people.

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I play it when there's a massive roll over because if a few quid gives me a chance of winning a lot the worse is I lose like £2. I used to buy a few scratch cards now and again but I won a tenner then bought another one and lost so I've kept my £9 profit ever since.

What annoys me about the lottery is the people who win millions and lose it all and end up skint etc. They're twats. If I won I'd make sure of my future and the chances are I would still do some sort of job. I would use the money to pay off my parents mortgage etc and to fund my pilot course I want to do, and more than likely save a lot of it.

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I don't think there's a big problem with it or anything, but it does typify the consumerist world we live in, with the idea that a big sum of money can make your life amazing. Also there are lots of amazing things that people can do without a lottery win, but they seem to think they need some external force to make it happen.

I'm not into 'luck' or 'fate' or waiting around for someone to hand me an opportunity, so I'm trying to do as many things as I can to achieve the things I want to do. Partly it's easier for me because the things I want from life aren't usually very expensive.

Life's just too short to spend waiting for that lottery win. Maybe by buying a ticket people feel that they are, in some small way, doing something to make their dreams come true. Plus, I'd rather earn £100,000 off my own back than win £1m by chance. Similarly I'd rather make £1m by myself than win £50m.

The lottery is an attractive easy (chance of a) solution for people too lazy or lacking in confidence to make of life what they'd like to.

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I'd much rather win it and spend it on toys rather than earn it. Earning things is hard!

I have a plan anyway, if I ever come into a large sum of money, I intend to set up a web design company that develops decent sites for worthy causes. That and buy a massive house, a garage full of toys and a guy for everything. (Lawyer guy, butler guy, arse-wipe guy etc).

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Its a profit making organisation so not really.. the amount of money from each ticket going into the 'pot'/good causes will be very little i would imagine.

"Of every pound (£) spent on National Lottery games, 50 pence (p) goes to the prize fund, 28p to 'good causes' as set out by Parliament (though some of this is considered by some to be a stealth tax[3] levied to support the Big Lottery Fund, a fund constituted to support public spending[4]), 12p to the UK Government as duty and 5p to retailers as commission, while Camelot receives 4.5p to cover operating costs and 0.5p profit."

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If i was to win the lottery, i would waste it on what i wanted but would go down the i wouldn't tell a soul option.

I wouldnt work for as long as possible.

Might aswell live for now i mo

Scratch cards i usually do pretty well on, in a month ill buy 3-4 £1 ones and normally do win £10. I get the odd streak where i dont win, but for 2 years now i think im in profit; but thats not something that bothers me.

I will move on to the lottery once every week soon i think.

Things i dont understand is why people choose numbers religiously, like peoples birthdays or whatever. Might as-well make it completely random.

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Is the lottery not a f**king massive organisation that helps fund local projects that benefit all of us?

I know more people who have benefited from lottery funding than I do people who have won any money from it. Maybe there's a bigger picture than just the chance of a cash return.

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I regularly play the Euromillions, but always do a different lucky dip so it doesn't matter if I ever miss a week. The way I look at it is that it costs me a maximum of £200 a year with the remote possibility of winning 50 million. I fairly regularly win something, usually like £3.10 or whatever but I have had a few £10-£15 wins and a £70 win once. The fact that it benefits lots of people and has partially funded things like UK Sport makes me feel that although in some ways it is a tax on the hopeful/stupid, it does directly benefit a lot of people as well as giving me a very remote possibility of winning something.

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