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When Is The 'risk' Worth Taking?

Sam Song

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Well, I have recently had some bad injuries this season. And this got me thinking.

Both of my injuries happened, riding really small moves. I had done them hundreds of times, but this time I was just not warmed up enough and bad luck.

There are always lines that do not require a lot of skills, but just a lot of balls such as

- small gap with a big drop in the middle

- skinny lines on a high wall


so is it worth doing them? I would not be learning any new skills, and I wouldn't be breaking any records by doing them.

.........But somehow if I do crash, doing those small moves with high risk, I feel so bad because I feel like the crash doesn't have any 'learning'.

When I learn a new move, and get injured, I don't feel bad because I know it is part of the learning, and I know I am getting better by pushing it.

I am sure many of you had an experience when you looked at a line, and said "I can do it, but what have I got to gain by taking the risk?"

Edited by Sam Song
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I think it's only worth taking the risk when you're either filming it (so you don't have to do it again to show people :P) or it's on a big ride and you wanna look da bollokz.

And when there's sexy ladies (or men) checking you out!

Otherwise riding along a wall 10ft up on your own seems like a pretty silly idea to me :P

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I have the exact same issue this weekend, I have to do 2 very big very dangerous things, one of which I have to do at about 7.30am due to security, so I won't be warmed up, and I'll feel like crap.

But it IS for the video, I'd say on a casual ride, if you're THAT worried then it's probably not worth it. But yeah always check your bike over, I've broken countless things over the years, but luckily it's always on a run up or a pre load.

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Its all about showing off ;)

I think most do it. I'll find if Im just riding with my brother, I'll ride smaller, more tech stuff and chill.

But when I ride in a large group, I find I really push myself to ride bigger and smoother.

And try pull off some crazy gap shizzle when de' honez be watchin.

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Much like Leon, I've got to get out this weekend and force myself to do some stuff I'm not going to feel very comfortable with at all to have any chance of having a video I'm happy (or even able) to enter into GETcreative. The stuff I'm not comfortable with will be far smaller than most, but the thought process is the same. If it's important to you in some way then you just have to grab your balls and do it... I'm hoping I can!

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Results of drop from 1.5m on high speed, Pulled my front too hard and bam! Bike and I fly separately.

I think it cause by my tiredness, that drop was in the end of ride.

It was funny despite of pain.

Now I want to try some 2m and film it.



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