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Brakeless G-Turn


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Probably best to learn a brakeless Switzerland squeaker first and master the rolling backwards on the frontwheel. Another way is using a wall to prop your bike handlbar against it for support and try and master the balance point by doing a footjam to get the front end up and master the balance point. Either way its an insanely hard trick to learn with brakes let alone without.

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This sounds reeeeeally big headed.. But they are actually not as hard as people think. I can do them (sort of) and ive only been riding like 1.5 years. They are a lot easier on a inspired. I cantkeep them goin but with practice i think i could after a few months. Watch brakeless g turn bmx vids.

Basically if you can do a 180 endo.. One of the first moves people learn...

Then try to do it without touching your brakes. Easier than it sounds. Its like popping a 180 with your front tyre on the floor.

Then basically just practice that.

After a while youll find out you can lean over the front and keep the rear up a bit longer.

Word of warning you WILL go over the bars loads. I must have done about 50 times in 2 weeks and i have a massive scar on my leg from it.

The only thing is that theres no nose manual into the g turn. It happens really fast. I have no idea how to brakelss nose manual into a g turn. But i imagine it would be very hard.

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