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Whats The Longest You've Gone Without Bike Trouble?


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Usually a pretty long time for me. Trials bikes are pretty basic so you don't have to worry about gear shifters, derailers and suspension components. That being said I did recently break my BB axle and have gone through a couple of mech hangers. Also I suppose if you include having to grind your rims, which I find very annoying, then at least once a month.

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Usually a pretty long time for me. Trials bikes are pretty basic so you don't have to worry about gear shifters, derailers and suspension components. That being said I did recently break my BB axle and have gone through a couple of mech hangers. Also I suppose if you include having to grind your rims, which I find very annoying, then at least once a month.

In fairness, your bike is a tank

Edited by ChrisTrials2012
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believe it or not i went about 4 months without anything going wrong. didnt break anything or change anything. then i felt the need to switch stuff up, so i bought some new parts and re-bled brakes etc, then i had to keep adjusting stuff and tweeking it, now its been fine about a month. and now im about to buy new parts and start the cycle over again....

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