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A Blind Guy Crashes While Doing A Bike Trick


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What confuses me is whenevr you post you always post 'a blind guy' to say asif it is not you, it obviously is you but could you not put something like Matt Gilman - Crash sort of thing, but then again I don't know who types stuff for you ect. It's like you are speaking in third person about yourself.

Anyway nice crash!

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...could you not put something like Matt Gilman - Crash sort of thing, but then again I don't know who types stuff for you ect. It's like you are speaking in third person about yourself.

Even if he titled it that, then it would still be talking in the third person. I always find it funny when people use their full name in a video title when nobody knows who the f'ck they are anyway.

I guess a video title like that is more likely get views from non trials-rider, and would therefore be better for generating publicity, if that's the aim of this. Impressive riding nonetheless, and well done for getting your hands out properly. I think that's what would bother me most if I was blind or partially sighted.

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Wow impressive bail considering you were blind (I'd still even think it was a good bail if you had all your sight).

Looks like you didn't get high up enough on the wall before kicking into it, therefore the bikes going backwards and you're going forwards.

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