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My Bike And Saying Hello


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Hello everybody!

Since im new here i thought an introduction was in order.

My name is Kevin Fordal, I'm 20 and i live in sweden.

I'm pretty new to trials but i have been riding bikes for a while now and also a bit of motor trials just for fun.

As i said I'm new but i have already gone trough 2 bikes and working on the 3rd hah.

This is what im riding now, a 2012 ZOO! Piranha, pretty much stock only added grips, the downtube thing and a maxxis highroller dual ply

(hope i can get the img thingy right)




Thanks for reading and i hope i will be able to contribute to comunity!

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Thanks! Its the neon pads made for smooth rims but my grind is getting dull and i havent gotten around to re grinding.

As for trials in sweden im not sure, i live on an island where its just me and one other guy with an inspired but i have a few friends who ride dirt and a bit of street but for most of the time i ride alone

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Looks like williams is about to find a riding buddy.

Haha so sweet that you where thinking about me :wub: :wink2: Nah but there's a few riders in Stockholm now:)

Is trials popular in Sweden?

Since I'm from Sweden I thought I'll ansver your question, No it's not big. I live in the capital (Stockholm) and we have like 20-30 riders, but everyone lives on so different places even though it's in Stockholm, so it's quite hard organizing something really... But the riders we have are really good though;)

EDIT Sweet bike mate! Where do you live?:)

Edited by williams
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