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(Maggies) Water Or Oil?


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Cheers to the guys who took my response serious, and to you other guys well you should understand the words F.O.

Yeah i was thinking water i have a mate who runs it in his onza blade and he says its good, i'm not the best with maggies i dont even know if they use brake fluid or mineral oil or maguras own fluid :P i usually use my Echo TR discs but i'm starting to like my maggies but my tpa is maxed out and its stil got a fair bit of travel before the bite and its as close as the cylinders can get to the rims before the pads touch when rotating the wheel. I've heard about putting them in a bucket of water to water bleed them or something? not too sure if this is true or if it is how to do it, any help to the serious guys?


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Thank you for the help to the serious guys. Isitafox you never fail to help haha :) and adam from tarty i did not think you would be the one to be joining in as your representing such a big part in the trials community oh well.

Cheers guys anyways :)

Well considering as there is a hell of a lot of threads already on this topic and he made a joke to another user's post so really anything to get worked up over.

Me on the other hand..

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Well the topic was always going to get answered, and quickly, so I don't see the harm in a joke? It wasn't as if it was nasty or even aimed at you... A great man once said that you can get delirious if you take life too serious. Well, I say great, he was a joke contestant on the x factor who used to be a goat farmer :P But I agree with the sentiment.

Edit, in case something wasn't clear, it was a play on the word seaman, which was a typo for semen, obviously. Hence why I quoted that chaps post rather than directly replying to the topic.

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