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Weight Reductions


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right so i've got a 2006 pitbul in my garage, i always tell myself i'll build it up some day but i only have to pick it up for a minute and i decide it's to heavy, so this year i plan to buy a dremel and give her a diet, where am i likely to make the most effective changes, i know the tubing on the 06 frames is pretty thick, could i reduce the thickness or am i just being mad?

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right so i've got a 2006 pitbul in my garage, i always tell myself i'll build it up some day but i only have to pick it up for a minute and i decide it's to heavy, so this year i plan to buy a dremel and give her a diet, where am i likely to make the most effective changes, i know the tubing on the 06 frames is pretty thick, could i reduce the thickness or am i just being mad?

Yes,yes you are :dance: Besides usual cutouts like head tube and maybe cs joke,I would leave it as it is and enjoy frame that was build to last.

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Jeff Anderson got a 1.9kg Meta VTT2 down to 1.6kg by running a sanding pad in a grinder over all the tubes.

Probably wise not to take it that far - he's super-comp so fair enough - but if you concentrate on lower-stress areas I reckon you could save a fair bit.

Also - headtube, bottom of BB, back of BB yoke where it joins chainstays, dropouts, seat-tube if you're desperate (but it looks gash - also, it's part of the top-tube on that frame so dunno if that might compromise strength), strip paint...

That's all I've got for now.

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don't talk to me like i haven't ridden other lighter bikes before, i plan on fitting light parts to it and i'm plenty strong and powerful as far as riding in concerned, i just wanna see what i can do with the frame cause it won't sell for what it's worth i may as well have some fun with it and since i'm unable to ride for now it'll give me something trialsy to entertain myself with

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Having a heavier frame gives you the confidence to throw it around and go for things a lot more than a shiney light thing would.

I'd go for headtube and BB cutout if you just looking for something to do, then have lightweight ish parts.

My hifi is still up for grabs too.....

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pm me if it's stil for sale in october when i get paid, why does everyone dissuade me from lightening a frame, i'd feel no loss if i ruined it, it didn't cost me alot, i got a huge amount of use from it, now i wana have some fun with it shaving some weight off

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Sorted then, attack with grinder and dremel then strip paint and anodise.

Make sure you do weigh it before and after, I bet some people would be surprised how much would come off.

At the end of the day you've just gotta look what Ads from tarty managed with one of his, will find the link

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thankyou for the constructive posts, i will keep this thread afloat and update as changes take place, i can't imagine the rigidity being affected to much cause the 06 is so burly anyway, the geo is sweet too, although i never know what bar/stem combo is best. i don't get why everyone can be so fast to disagree with what i want to do either, stupid tf

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werd, and having a bike that you couldn't outright replicate though tarty always makes it a bit more fun to me... in other news, anyone with ideas they'd like to see tried etc dump them in here i'll be open to giving anything a go..

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Just to add my comment was easily miss read, i wasn't intendant on sounding patronising.

I'm just struggling to understand what the fuss about saving a few grams is all about.

for years i have agreed with that, my 24" is built up of 'smart' purchases that perform well and are unlikely to die (pro2, middleburns and generally well regarded nice stuff) it's nice to ride, it's nice to know it'll never die and i can abuse it, but my mod is alot lighter, and it feels delightful to use, it's not silly light, it's a practical weight but i enjoy it being lighter. i just wanna push it with 26" cause i have the frame spare, i feel like if it broke i'd be at no loss, why not strip the weight an enjoy it, plus i'm well past that basher stage that demands tough stuff...

and just light components on a heavy frame aren't the same as light frame and light components... plus after nearly 7 years of trials i'm allowed to have what i want goddamnit!

saving a few grams everywhere adds up, you need to ride a heavy trials rig, and then hop on a lighter one, the difference is night and day, even if they have the same frame/bar/stem

Edited by ogre
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Yup exactly. Don't think people realise all the little weight savings do add up. headtube cutout, bash mounts removed, single walled rims, drilled sidewalls. Got laughed at for a few of those but I'm there with. Sub 8.2kg bike without any super high spec lightweight parts.

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It's not really quantifiable in those sorts of terms though - it's more that it makes it less effort to do what you already can, resulting in much less fatigue and helping to smooth things out a bit while you're at it.

It's one of those things that's hard to put into words but easy to see when you get around to trying it out (Y)

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I agree a lighter bike, and frame in particular make a huge difference. My frame is old and weighs 2.6kg, plus I have some heavy components, like pro 2 and ronnie and reggie rims. It's tough but heavy. It takes a lot of strength and energy to throw it around BUT as I'm a beginner I want something that I'm not gonna break too soon. Trying some of my mates, lighter bikes is a pleasure though, so much easier to do stuff. I might consider cutting a slot in the headtube myself but at the same time I can't afford a new frame so maybe not.

Oops misspelt throw

Edited by ULtrialsguy
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