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ive applied to uni to do a Foundation Degree in Engineering

and i have an interview on Saturday to see if i get on the course

i would like to brush up and be prepared for this so if any one could point me in the right direction on anything that would help me out it would be really appreciated

many thanks


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I did a foundation degree in engineering about 4 years ago now then went straight onto a Masters. They won't expect you to know everything about engineering in the interview as that's what the foundation courses are designed to start you off in.

I'd say the most important thing in the interview would be to come across as enthusiastic, well mannered + dressed and maybe with some sort of reason why you have an interest in engineering. What university is it at?

Best of luck

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What sort of engineering? I'm a geotechnical engineer but, much like most of the 'engineers' out there, what I do isn't engineering in its traditional sense, so prefer "engineering geologist".

Oh, and in an interview theres a fine balance between seeming like you know it all (they know you don't, so don't bother trying) and not coming across like someone who has no idea. A willingness to learn and an interest in the subject are the most important things I'd say.

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What sort of engineering? I'm a geotechnical engineer but, much like most of the 'engineers' out there, what I do isn't engineering in its traditional sense, so prefer "engineering geologist".

Most foundation degrees aren't specific to type of engineering as far as I know. They are normally labelled broadly as engineering / physics / etc then after you complete it you focus upon a specfic discipline.

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I did a foundation degree in engineering about 4 years ago now then went straight onto a Masters. They won't expect you to know everything about engineering in the interview as that's what the foundation courses are designed to start you off in.

I'd say the most important thing in the interview would be to come across as enthusiastic, well mannered + dressed and maybe with some sort of reason why you have an interest in engineering. What university is it at?

Best of luck

Thanks im planning on going down the same route as you :)

ill be studing at Wolverhampton uni hopefully

im going into this with no qualifications as a mature student i did study car mechanics at coll many years ago but thats it

ive allways found maths comes naturally to me im hoping that will help me out a lot but im a bit rusty these days lol

thanks for the advice at some point i may have a million questions for you lol

Ah ok cool - What sort of engineering are you most interested in, hypermobility man?

im hoping to go in to mechanical engineering my options would hopefully be wide open on completion.

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what uni? i did the foundation course in coventry, then the mechanical degree, just been switched onto the masters course. all in all after essentially failing a levels, the foundation course did me a lot of good i didnt have an interview but i know from experience that they wont think highly of you initially.

30% of my course dropped out before christmas. and only 40% passed the course in the end.

and i agree mechanical will broaden everything for you. can always specialize later...

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Yeah, engineering courses are pretty maths based and always comes in handy with dynamics / fluids / stress etc. I love maths and it has definitely helped me through some of the harder parts.

I've chosen to stick in academia for now in a medical engineering PhD at Oxford. I thought it's my only chance to get a doctorate so might as well take it if I'm being paid! I'll move into the 'real world' as soon as I've got the qualifications I want :P

Edited by SunnyBoy
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I did a foundation degree in engineering about 4 years ago now then went straight onto a Masters. They won't expect you to know everything about engineering in the interview as that's what the foundation courses are designed to start you off in.

I'd say the most important thing in the interview would be to come across as enthusiastic, well mannered + dressed and maybe with some sort of reason why you have an interest in engineering. What university is it at?

Best of luck

Thanks im planning on going down the same route as you

ill be studing at Wolverhampton uni hopefully

im going into this with no qualifications as a mature student i did study car mechanics at coll many years ago but thats it

ive allways found maths comes naturally to me im hoping that will help me out a lot but im a bit rusty these days lol

thanks for the advice at some point i may have a million questions for you lol

Thanks im planning on going down the same route as you

ill be studing at Wolverhampton uni hopefully

im going into this with no qualifications as a mature student i did study car mechanics at coll many years ago but thats it

ive allways found maths comes naturally to me im hoping that will help me out a lot but im a bit rusty these days lol

thanks for the advice at some point i may have a million questions for you lol

what hope do i have if i couldnt get the quote thing right lol

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what uni? i did the foundation course in coventry, then the mechanical degree, just been switched onto the masters course. all in all after essentially failing a levels, the foundation course did me a lot of good i didnt have an interview but i know from experience that they wont think highly of you initially.

30% of my course dropped out before christmas. and only 40% passed the course in the end.

and i agree mechanical will broaden everything for you. can always specialize later...

coventry is ment to be the best place ive heard for engineering

im going to wolverhampton as its farily close by and my other half studys law there

those percentages dont look great :$ looks like im guna have my work cut out for me

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Just make sure you have sound reasoning for going into engineering. As others have mentioned they won't expect an in depth knowledge from someone taking a foundation course, but they will expect you to have some passion about it so they know you will complete the course.

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