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That sucks, I got told to do no riding for 6 weeks as I sprained my ankle. Feels better after a few days already though so I don't know whether I should ride or not :/

Don't do it, you don't want to create a long term injury for the sake of not riding for a while.

And boo hoo, I haven't been able to ride since November and still can't til this November :P

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  1. yeah you'r right mate it suck's. my knee is like a football so i'v no chance of riding my bike at the moment. only start'ed doing trial's four week ago and i was gettin'g good now im on crutches lol

you'r better of resting it JMCD

Edited by damonr1
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A year of no riding sounds terrible. Alright thanks I guess I'll lay off trials for a bit then... Weird how it can feel fine but not actually be fine.

Would road riding be okay? Like road bikes and smooth steady roads, cause that's not quick sudden movements like in trials. It's continuous and repetitive so if I do that gently, then surely it should help recover quicker?

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That sucks, I got told to do no riding for 6 weeks as I sprained my ankle. Feels better after a few days already though so I don't know whether I should ride or not :/

I sprained my ankle, a week or two later i tried to ride and it hurt as much as it did when i first done it. It's definitely worth waiting it out.

Edited by BurlyBox
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